"“In a little time [there will be] no middling sort. We shall have a few, and but a very few Lords, and all the rest beggars.”
Marion Time
Time is running out on the unrepentant government. This government is tic by tic moving toward, fascism.
The opinions I express on this blog are my own. They do not officially represent the opinions of my natural parents, their other children, my wife, or any friend.I am solely responsible for the contents.
My goal here is to comment on the present mismanagement of the third class city of Marion. My hope is that someone will listen and change the SOP.
A secondary goal is have for this blog is to peak a curiosity for The Kingdom as ruled by the King.
A Warning to the Church in Marion
God said to Israel:
Set your [minds and] hearts on all the words which I command you this day, that you may command them to your children, that they may be watchful to do all the words of this law. For it is not an empty and worthless trifle to you; it is your very life (Deut. 32:46-47 Amp.)
Then I will be Silent
People intimate to me that I should get on the, "Wayne Bandwagon".
At what price unity?
Neigh, I shall keep my voice for truth until I find there is not one other in the city who agrees with my truth.
Then I will be silent.
For I will leave this city, and never look back.
Thompson Hog Tied
WTHR Reports that Gary was bound for five hours.
Gary Thompson
Gary Thompson http://www.wthr.com/Global/story.asp?S=7334535To remind myself how dangerious it is to live in Marion, Indiana, I occasionally go back to the WTHR report on Gary Thompson's manslaughter at the hands of the Marion Indiana jailers.His death is a travesty and a marr on the reputation of this city. This city of Marion is evil to the core. The politicians are in league with IWU, to rule the city with an iron fist. All the while they try to tell us they are open to our suggestions. They even hold fake meetings to show thier good intent. HahThey always do exactly what they plan behind closed doors.This is a micromangaed city, bound to the overlording of IWU.I pray often that there be no more Gary Thompson stories to be told here.
Forbes on Marion
Marion, Indiana is ranked # 8 in Forbes list on most Vulernable Cities. The mayor denies it. We have known for four years it is true!
No. 8 Marion, Ind. Median Income Rank: 26 Unemployment Rank: 20 Poverty Rank: 34 Outstanding Mortgage Debt Rank: 32 Education Rank: 46 Total Score: 158 http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/09/cities-vulnerable-most-forebslife-cx_rr_1009mostvulnerable_slide_4.html?thisSpeed=15000
Our True Battle
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (places).
Garry Vermilion is an intercessor for, and a prophet to, his city and the nations. He is a patriot. He works to see the church repent for the Kingdom is at hand, and the nation return to The Constitution, and the world hear the Kingdom Gospel.
He is growing into an intercessor after the mode of Daniel and Hannah and Jeremiah.
He is called as a prophet in the order of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Macaiah, and Samuel.
He is often called upon to say words that go in the exact opposite direction of that of the prevaling current of thought. This both to the church and politically.
Garry is a libertarian/Conservative who believes the Government needs to be for the protection of the country.
That this present US Government may be the worst since Nazi Germany.