Sunday, November 30, 2008

IWU Training for Destruction

The local government is filled with university graduates that are trained to bring this city and county into agreement with the globalist agenda to enslave the populous. IWU is probably no exception to the propagation of this globalist propaganda.

I remember when Dr. Glen Martin spoke against the very thing that IWU is now propagating.

Is IWU training the young to be a people, who will lay down their rights to government? If they are then they are friends of this world and enemies of JAH.

The truth is, the real Christian of this day must use civil disobedience as a weapon against the rising police state mentality of our leaders.

What is wrong with your local government? It is filled with people trained to be used by the NWO to bring this nation to its knees. IWU is thick in local government.
They may be a Judas selling out the salvation of the city.

IWU is no doubt sincere and believe they do good. But they are deceived. Religion often honors the work of God in the past, while limiting it in the present. Religion tries to change things which are wrong or not working, with "man power", "man schemes", and "man control".

IWU needs the Holy Spirit. That is to say, "God Power", "God Plans", and "God Control".

Rom. 14:17

No Holy Spirit, no Kingdom of God!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Message

My only message for Marion is "Fall on the Rock, or it will fall on you and grind you to powder.

Everything the elite has, that they don't need for thier work or thier families well being, they steal from the poor of Marion.

IWU, Seybold, City Council, Pampered lawyers...

Without the Spirit of Jah, you are none of His.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Patriot Act Refusal...

Hundreds of communities have passed anti-patriot act legislation. This takes back the anti-God powers that Bush and Pelosi and the sellout Congress passed. Thank God for the people.

Impeach the sell out Congress. All of them...Keep the few patriots: Ron Paul and Dennis Kuccinch, and a few others who grilled the Bail out Czar.

Since we can't trust this Congress to keep us safe, we need to take up arms and do it ourselves.

Marion you can resist becoming more of a police state.

Local Failure

I heard that some of the local votes were lost and that those votes cannot be retrieved. This is police state tactics to disenfranchise voters. 7 machines according to the report.

If any one knows anything about this please advise.

I looked on the white-wash-propaganda-machine Marion Chronicle Web sight and found nothing.


Although I do not keep up with local politics like I used to, I must say this:

Voting machines must be above reproach. Voting procedures must be convenient. Voters must be treated as loyal citizens not herded cattle. Every vote must be counted and registered.

Anything short of this may be treason against the constitution of Indiana, and the rights of the citizen. (see section 1 of the Constitution of Indiana)

That voters had to walk away and not vote because the lines were two or more hours longs speaks of the evil of this government, who does not one thing right. (this on a year that should have garnered record voting) They took a city that was running adequately, and made it a police state, that oppresses the people.

Our Mayor, and our City and County councils need to be replaced. Perhaps some middle school students would do a better job.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alternative to Indiana Oppression

For my friends who like the cold.

"What the Free State Project is... The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent, that government exists at most to protect people's rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else. " From Freestate websight

I can't make that one. Sorry. Can we start one in a warmer climate?

Truth from the Indiana Constitution/possible violations in Marion


1) IWU recieves Constant favors from the Seybold Administration:

Section 6. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, for the benefit of any religious or theological institution.

2)Gary Thompson was killed by the mishandling of his Jailers.

Section 16. Excessive bail shall not be required. Excessive fines shall not be imposed. Cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted. All penalties shall be proportioned to the nature of the offense.

3) The Izod Orks from IWU and the Mayor and His Buddies receive preferential treatment. The Mayor's brother was suspiciously cleared of wrong doing in a case that potentially had over one hundred violations (potential people who were swindled) of misuse of monies. All peoples must receive equal treatment under the law. Many have been tried and prosecuted in this city for lesser crimes and found guilty! (for instance drug and pornography use)

Section 1. WE DECLARE, That all people are created equal; that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that all power is inherent in the people; and that all free governments are, and of right ought to be, founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and well-being. For the advancement of these ends, the people have, at all times, an indefeasible right to alter and reform their government.

Quotes from the Indiana Constitution in Italics.


I can't tell of the pain this local Government has caused to the poor and broken in Marion. The Mayor is very gifted in misdirection. When he declined a pay raise recently, it came a year after, he accepted a raise that gave him Seventy-Two thousand dollars every year. The news reported this in a way that was collusion against the citizen with Wayne, as he was portrayed as being noble to decline a raise.

That amount of money to be the Mayor of a city that has no doubt near 20 % actual unemployment is obscene to me. His pay is a great increase to the pay of the former Mayor. About a forty percent raise by my figures.

Now concerning unemployment:

Under Bill Clinton the books on Unemployment were "cooked", so that only those who were receiving unemployment benefits would be counted as unemployed. There are a least as many who do not receive unemployment in Marion looking for work as they who do.

Drive by the JobOne office during their open hours. You will see the desperate condition in Marion.

Sadly as I stated in my former Blog on Marion, this yuppie government has little wisdom and a lot of bad Ideas for more and more police state control on this city. We do not need more laws. We need jobs, and righteous government. We need to honor the constitution of Indiana, and we need to have limited government.

Marion is going the wrong way.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Search for Crispus Attucks:

“Crispus Attucks (c. 1723 – March 5, 1770) (pronounced Att-a-cus) was one of five people killed in the Boston Massacre in Boston, Massachusetts. He has been frequently named as the first martyr of the American Revolution and is the only person killed in the Boston Massacre whose name is commonly remembered. Although little is known for certain about Attucks, including his ethnicity, the possibility that he was African American or Native American has elevated him to an important symbolic status in U.S. history.” Wikipedia

Years ago I received a prophecy given in the form of a vision and it was confirmed by more then one witness:

The vision was of a black man and a white man’s hand joined in a grasps together, meaning working together for a common call.

I am the White man.

I joined with a black man who first gave that vision and that relationship did not turn out well because he thought of himself as better them me. We eventually shook hands a separated.

I still search for a man to fulfill that vision.

Along the path, I have actually been offered an agreement with a black woman in another region. But that was not the vision.

I must be about, bringing kingdom truth to Marion and this region, and doing it working together with a black man.

This is the specific person I look for according to the vision and the call.

A black man, full of power, willing to lay down his life for the Revolution that is presently arising called the advancement of the true Kingdom of God.

1) I look for one who is first spiritual. One who loves God. A man of God.

2) I seek one, called to bring change to the church. He must be aware that there is something wrong with the religious system.

3) He must be aware of the needs of his world. One who is politically aware, able to understand the true nature of this present world climate, and the problems of our society.

4) I look for one who is a prophetic singer or minstrel. One who is comfortable with the gifts of the Spirit.

5) I look for one who can commit long term to a work.

6) I look for one who will give himself for the work. One who will give his life for the call.

Revolution is the word of this hour. It will happen with you or without.


People being forced to Action

Government tyranny turns normal people into terrorist. When the government over regulates the people, eventually the people must strike back. Our government has waged war on the international scene. The peoples of the world fear American wrath. Our government has waged war against freedom in this nation. The people fear in this rising police state.

As Obama takes office, American’s, who are dog tired of war, begin to hope again. But in what? Obama?

Washington has Senators and Congressmen, holding office, able to keep any president from bringing real change to this nation.

This nation has no money. We are broke. What will Obama do to change that?

The Federal Reserve will continue to work the globalist agenda to destroy this economy, and bring the US limping into a North American Union. Unemployment if measured as it was done in the Reagan era would be about 15 % or higher nationwide. In my local area it would actually be 20%. Clinton quit counting discouraged workers who are not on, the “unemployment benefits” list. That has been the National policy since.

As Obama’s policies become seen as just smoke and mirrors, the Nation’s unemployed may be the ones who raise up and take this nation back.

I hope so.

Marion faces a depression if the new leadership in our nation does not do something to stop free trade. This nation needs its manufacturing back. It needs a value-added economy.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sad to See Tim Lose

I was sad to see Tim Harris lose his race for State Representative. His opponent made many accusations which were questionable. However, I believe Tim lost because he has aligned Himself with Wayne Seybold in the past. The problem is that Wayne Seybold uses a similar type of allegation and misrepresentation against his opponents as Joe Pearson did against Tim. I voted for Tim, but it was hard because of the Wayne connection. A few years back, when Wayne blew Marion Citizens off as not being "globally aware", it was just about all I could stomach. This accusation against the good citizens of Marion was evil. I wrote Him a few letters. His rebutal of my letters to him was classic-three CT articles of support to his way of doing things and His lofty ideas. It was justification, not truth. His rebutal of the Forbes article was more revelation of his elitist attitude.

Tim You are a good man. Keep telling the truth Tim, it is all we got. But truth is a spirit, and God's spirit is the spirit of truth. I'm sure the Lord will give you something good in the future. I do not see that for Seybold and Pearson.

Let this be a warning to us all, that they who we associate with can really damage us. I learned this lesson the hard way in my last church as bad associations brought me much pain and financial loss.

I think John McCain was so associtated with the evil George Bush that he did not stand a chance of re-election.

Sometimes Evil Triumphs over good. But take heart, there will be a day of reckoning.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Fall of the Great Nation

Grant County voting was the worst run in history. I hear 2 hr. voting lines were a state wide phenomena. Up to five hrs. in Carmel. In Grant CO, they combined voting precincts. This was done in an election that had garnered more interest then any in history. In the largest voting turn out in History, we make cuts. This government from Bush, to Daniels, to Seybold, is the least prepared and most police state oriented ever.

The city is gone, the state is gone, and the country is gone. We were once the greatest nation in the world. Now we are a world joke. A bad joke.

Less Spending

The option tax is evil.

Less spending, not more taxes.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Religion is not True Goodness

If you watch the offering from the local religious university, you quickly understand how little of the Holy Spirit that place has to offer.

They set up guides before the people who are full of “rules”, but have little or no relationship with the Holy Spirit. (They are paid adequetly) I'm sure they have all mouthed some confession of Christ but if they are not "Holy Spirit", they carry, no deliverance. Without the Holy Spirit all we do is propagate religion, not Faith.

That is what has happened to Marion. The goodness of the Spirit, is gone. Everyone takes care of themselves, focuses on themselves, and this at the expense of all others. I remember a Marion that was a good place to live. I'm 55 years old. I remember vital Christianity where people genuinely cared for one another. It is gone.

For the most part, goodness has been replaced with religious program. Goodness has been replaced with what I call a religious substitute. It is akin putting a substitute ingredient in a food, that is cheaper and not fully the same substance or quality as what it replaced.

In religion, the programmed substitute for Spirit truth, is usually manned with guilt motivated people trying to please God by performance. All performance-based church work is religion. But it often pays. Look at the advancement of IWU.

Oh some people still occasionally help others, but often only for the praise of those they try to please. This is usually some political or civic group, or a Church Group, or Yes IWU.

The clearest representation of Spiritual Babylon is when men do things to make a name for themselves, amoung men. What happened to not letting your right hand know what your left was doing?

IWU and our City Government stands head and shoulders above all others in this city in making temselves famous. (not that there are many who love Jah in Marion anyway) They’ve built a tower to their accomplishments, and found some Eunuchs to bow down, bewitched by their proud delusion.

Mat 6:3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

No one is ever filled with Jah's goodness without first hungering for Jah, and then being filled. You don't get that in program!

Psa 107:9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.