Saturday, January 31, 2009

When Tyranny Comes

Somebody said: "When tyranny comes. It comes dressed in an uniform."

They are planning to gather up your guns, and disarm you so that you might be controlled. Wake up!

Every day there are controls being enacted, that will break any uprising of the populous. Even though when you arise, it will be for the sake of constitutional freedom!

This city is evil. It is totally in the control of the national sell out elite, and the NWO.

Call me crazy cause I am.... I believe in the Constitution!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cover Up

I had heard that there was a story in the Chronicle Tribune about
voting machine failure in the last election. I went to their web page and did a search from Nov.1- last year to the present.

It says there are "no results" matching the search criteria: "Voting Machines":

"Sorry, we were unable to locate document(s) pertaining to your request."

My source for this has been accurate.

This is a cover up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Figures do Still Lie

"Unemployment for the city of Marion jumped from 9.5 percent to 11.3 percent in December." Seybold Chronicle

Duh. 11.3 reported is 20% real. The figures do still lie!

The local government denied my warnings and this is our result.

Not that they chase jobs away, but that we need to band together for the city, and quit giving everything to the elitist IWU/Seybold
self-gain club.

Food storage, wind power, and limited spending need to be implemented... right after repentance unto the kingdom.

States will enter depression, one by one. Michigan may lead the way.
Indiana my be fifth or sixth in line.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Blessing

Lord I thank you for every Spirit Filled Christian in Marion, Indiana. I pray your blessings be upon them this year. I thank you for each one, who seeks you with their whole heart. May they experience a baptism of your love this year.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Last Sane Word from a President

From Reagan's First Inaugural Address

"Government is not the answer to our problems, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan.

Closings Underscore Coming Depression

From the Seybold Chronicle:

"The news is not good, but we believe that better economic times are ahead.

Four stores will soon be gone from the Five Points Mall. By the end of this month, the mall will have lost retailers Piercing Pagoda, Osterman Jewelers, Fashion Bug Plus and Underground Attitude. This is in addition to Steve & Barry’s, which closed late last year."

What is Marion's elitist answer?

Raise taxes by charging to pick up trash!

These men are idiots. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. No, they really are intelligent, and sly, and they sell their agenda of making a name for themselves with impunity.

Answer me this:

1) Is the city micro-managed, ie. decision made behind closed doors before official meetings?
2) Does Wayne Seybold ever tell the full truth about the city? Does the Chronicle whitewash everything they report?
3) Is there anyone on the city council that cares about the poor?

Thing is instead of going around tearing down houses at 5-6 grand a pop, we could have helped families keep their homes. That would be humane!

The city would still have a lot of old houses. I can live with that to save lives. It was sold that prospective businesses saw all the houses and didn't want to come to Marion. That may be true but in a depressionary trend in Marion, was the timing right to spend monies in that way?

I have not seen one plan to hunker down for depression. Spending tax money will not stop depression, it aids it. Individuals with jobs spending money, stops depressions.

If you think I am angry about what our government is doing, you are right. If you think I hate these men, you are wrong. But know this, I hate evil. My Father taught me to.

His Word is true. You have been warned Marion.

Seybold Tyranny Marches On

The city charging for trash pick up is just an added tax. This government seems to be totally unaware that the more you tax the citizen, the less these citizens have to live on. (Did you see the hungry in line at St. Martin's) Wages have fallen steadily since NAFTA and GATT. We need less taxes, not more.

We have a local government that buys new trucks and does many things that are not necessary. Then, they say they can't afford to pick up trash. That is because they do not use our money right.

They are failures.

All government salaries should be reduced by 20%. All government programs should be cut back by 20 %. That would help alleviate the financial problem. This should last until Marion's GCP rose 20%.

To tax the over-taxed and poor, is fascist, it is pure evil.

Marion has never had such an agenda driven government. These are elected officials mandated to the public good. The only good they consider is what makes them look good with the rich, and successful. They seemingly have no care for who they run over to get their way. This is strait from the IWU playbook.

Play one: Lust, Take, Grab. Consume.

Seybold and the City and County Council are easy prey for the NWO takeover. As the city moves closer and closer to real depression, I wonder what excuse they will give me, and a few others who have warned against this path of extravagance. None, for they will abandon ship. These men are evil.

IWU can be proud that it put Seybold in office. They will no doubt wonder what happened, when the city turns into a police state. What failures these men are. He just did the same evil he saw work for you, IWU.

He screwed the money right out of the city, and then put up police state control over the citizen. That is exactly what you have done with tuition raises and your very public police cars that even go off the campus and follow women to their homes.

This City is Tyrannical. IWU Educated our leaders well.

How much is enough? Just a little bit more..Right Wayne. IWU...

This take from the poor and give to the rich scheme is nothing new Marion. IWU does it with just about every tuition paying student they entrap.

Yes, they perform a service. But does the end of that thing justify the means?

People intimate to me that I should get on the, "Wayne Bandwagon".

At what price unity?

Neigh, I shall keep my voice for truth until I find there is not one other in the city who agrees. Then I will be silent.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Truth about State and Federal Leaders

Indiana ‘s Governor Mitch Daniels spends much time telling how good things are in the state compared to say..... Michigan? Bangladesh?

One simple fact calls him a liar: The fact that Indiana had to borrow 300 grand last year from the Feds to pay its unemployment. There is no Euphemism that will change that fact Mitch.

The figures for Unemployment are lies. State and Federal. Imagine if all, which are unemployed, were counted.

The real fact is that Indiana is in a depression. The Nation is sliding that way.

Across the state tonight there are temperatures dropping as low as 18 below zero. Many of the poor are freezing. Many who are barely making it in the broken city are cold in their homes. They would love to have it different. But they are poor, unemployed, and underemployed.

Lying about the economy only worsens the plight of the poor. But in the hallowed halls of politics as usual, lie and misdirection are SOP.

Some will die in this cold tonight. State and local leadership will not even bat an eye, nor would they ever think they are responsible for this.

On the national scene:

George Bush can employ euphoniums over his presidency all he wants, but it will not bring back the wasted lives of the 4500 men and women who died in Iraq for His illegal war. Nor will it bring back the jobs that went over seas, due to the treasonous Free-Trade agreements of the last 20 years of sell out politics.

The government of the US has been Hi-jacked by Elite-Globalists. Power and money and control is the prize they seek. Dick Chaney and George Senior are dancing in the spilt blood of our military patriots. Their deaths were "good business" for them.

George 2 sold out the country for fun and profit for the likes of Haliburtion, the Carsilse group, and other defense contractors.

The Bush legacy is that he advanced the NWO, greater than any president in history. He can take solice in this: Although he was the worst president in history for the good of the nation, he was not a failure. He was 100% effective in doing what he set out to do. America has been brought to the door of bankruptcy. The globalist bankers will buy it for pennies on the dollar.

Monday, January 12, 2009

More Evil from the Local Government

From The Seybold Chronicles:

"City administration is trying to decide what to do with the downtown building immediately east of the one that was demolished last year.

Currently, 119 E. Third St. has an exterior wall with bricks and siding missing on the shared wall it had with the building that was torn down, 101 E. Third St.

“Probably, at the end of the day, all parties have some sort of liability there,” Mayor Wayne Seybold said of the damage to the building’s side.

In August, 101 E. Third St. was demolished after years of legal dispute over the condemned building. Demolition was funded up into $240,000 from the Marion Redevelopment Commission’s tax increment financing bonds."

I stood against tearing this building down. 240 grand and they did not solve anything. This short sighted spending government needs replaced. But so long as they stroke IWU, they got the votes to keep on oppressing the poor.

As I watch the city governors work their ill-advised plans on this city, I see so clearly the manifestation of "Babylon the Great". Which is: "The place where men gathered to make a name for themselves". If our leaders were working to make this place a better place for all citizens and not striving to impress them-self and improve their own position, we would see much different results.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Prayer Increase Noted in the Broken City

With Steve and Berry's closing and Goodies too, following a host of businesses that did not make it through last year, maybe prayer is not a bad idea. In Jonah's day Jah spared the city of Nineveh when the paupers, king, and beast repented!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Coming Depression

As I was driving toward downtown Marion I came across a string of cars several blocks long. They were headed into ST. Martin’s for free food. Years ago I would never have even thought, I would be stopping there. I had always been the one who was giving away food to the poor. But that was before a major betrayal at the hands of many close to me, and of course the betrayal of our Federal Government over the last 20 years, as they have given the wealth and jobs of Americans to anti-God communist in China, and Mexico.

The US is sick; Sick, my friend, sick!

This bread-line underscores the coming depression. They are a warning to our government to wake up. Our government is not working for us. Sadly, they are not listening either. Their agenda is self-promotion and their ears are closed to anything they didn't put on their docket.

Yeah, I stopped at the food give away. I needed to. In this recession caused by the Elites who have raped the US economy, many needed to be there.

As I waited in line, two animal shelter employees came by in what must have been a new truck, costing I would guess around 100 grand, no doubt headed to give some mutt a limousine ride to the pound. The Truck probably looks good in front of their new building. Then a street department man came by in a brand-new pickup truck. Things are much better in government then they are in the city.

The shelter, the raises in pay, the trucks, are the "show and tell", the "mark" of bad government.

Thank God for the people at St. Martin's, who think of others needs, to feed them. But, cursed be those who waste the money of the tax payer.

With a seventy-two thousand-dollar mayor setting in the city-building and a city-council that had a raise last year, we wonder if they have a clue that soon this will hit them too. (the unemployed and bread line people, can't pay thier taxes) Thank God for the few cautious councilmen who stopped the LOIT. Less spending is the answer, not more taxes.

This country is falling into depression. Detroit is near 20% in actual unemployment. (actual is always double the government lies)In Marion we have leadership that has not prepared the city for depression. They are rather trying to make it a show place to draw jobs. Glad for the 30 jobs at the old Thompson's Plant, but they won't replace the 2000 lost there. You do the math. (1970 short, by my figures)

How many jobs have come to Marion, from foreign markets? Few, none?That is because China and Japan want to make money off of us, not give money to us. Are overseas trips legitimate, "Industry seeking trips", or are they Globe trotting?

Hey guys, it is not that far from the top to the bottom. I learned, a personal financial depression may easily overtake you. All you need for that to happen, is for a few people who say "they are with you", to betray you. Thompson workers found all you need, is to have a company move operations to penny-wage workers in Mexico.

This city should be hunkering down for the greatest depression this nation has ever seen! It will come if we do not repent. In Detroit people are sleeping on Church floors at night. They lost thier homes, and don't qualify for Welfare because of some hoop they didn't jump. This is your future Marion. At 16% real unemployment you are not far behind.

Several years ago one man in Marion stole millions from people who invested with him. More recently, a local politically connected contractor reportedly stole monies from over 100 investors. The first they cannot find, the second, an insider Republican prosecutor cleared of all charges. (talk about yout government bail-out)Marion is sick. 30 jobs won't heal Marion's financial sickness.

Our national leaders have sold us out. Our local leaders have their heads in the clouds, and "nepotism" is the password for the only game in town.

The whole nation, has been afflicted with poverty, partly caused by the trillion dollar banker scam. You know, the recent one where globalist bankers stole American tax payers monies with Evil-Bush and Congress saying "the economy was in serious trouble' and "if we did not give these bankers our money the nation would fall". Wake Up America, Wake up Marion. We are fallen! Depression is knocking on our door. Free-trade is the highway to hell. Stealing the peoples money is sin.

Righteousness exalts a nation. Sin is a reproach. The wages of sin is death. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

The one thing that keeps all this evil in power, is the fact that America sacrifices her babies to Moloch. Over 50 Million since the "Roe vs.Wade" decision. For this we are cursed with leadership that lavishes itself with fur and gold while the poor grow in numbers.

The only way to stop the coming depression is to turn to God. We need His Wisdom.

I read somewhere about a government for the people and by the people. But I've rarely seen one. I read somewhere of inalienable rights, but the poor are alienated. I read somewhere of of Christian Education being submitted to Christ, but I've rarely seen it in this town.

Weep and mourn for the poor, for they are oppressed in Marion.
Weep and mourn for the elites, for they do not care.

Government Scam

What are we doing in Marion to prepare for the coming depression?

We are overspending on our government projects and saving nothing.

Sounds like and elitist yuppie policy to me.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


For Answers to the problems you face, you might try the above link.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Looks like we will have a new factory in a week.

"TriEnda said in October that it will bring 340 jobs to Marion by 2012 and will use about one-third of the square footage at the factory that for some has symbolized the loss of Marion’s manufacturing base as it stood dormant for the last five years."

From the Seybold Chronicle.

I hope this is true. (300 Jobs) But I doubt it greatly. I think "hype" is the middle name of the City of Marion, and much of what goes on here.

Would you be Interested in Starting a Food Co-Op in Grant CO?

With unemployment at record levels, (no Matter what the official figures are)I believe it would be a good time to start a food Co-op in Marion/Grant County. Our Government is Failing in almost every way, and since the current trend toward Elitist or Fascist Rule is so prevalent, I believe it would be good for us to start a food Co- Op in Grant County.

If you would be interested in investigating or working with me in this, contact me at the E-mail address below:

Please contact: Garry @
Attn: Food Co-Op.

Coming Soon To Marion