Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Doors The Crystal Ship - video powered by Metacafe

Where People Starve

Why don't we close a ball diamond that people enjoy sports on, and put in a pile of rocks and a fountain?

Why don't we pile rocks on five points and call it good use of tax money?

No, only a demonically controlled city council would do that in a town where people are going hungry.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Last week the devil waged a great attack against my family. After dealing with the religious community in Marion....I can only say that I am less then supportive of the local religious community then ever.

The spirit of religion is well entrenched in almost every area of life in Marion. IWU is full of demonically inspired rules, which are man made. That is religion! In fact to call being in Marion "life", is a stretch of the imagination!

The City is constantly looking for some new way to bilk the tax- payer out of money, in an attempt to keep up with IWU's great expansion.

Living in Marion may be as close to hell as I ever wish to go. The religious church thinks "it" is the answer. In true fact, it is an oppressor of the poor. IWU steals from the poor taxpayer in Marion,
and lavishes it upon great buildings so their fame can grow.

When IWU maneuvered the closing of Nebraska, and later one-third of the city street budget for the 38th and Adams project, they stole from every citizen who has his car in the shop for broken suspension from hitting the holes in other roads that were neglected due to a misspent street budget.

What evil enities the IWU controlled city council, and the University have become. They are taken in pride. They are the police state. They are the nanny state. They don't think the citizen is smart enough to run thier own lives.

They are twice the sons of hell as have ever been in this city.

"I am sorry, I never knew you," comes to mind here!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Lord we pray for the city. Let righteousness prevail here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Police State Alert

The Marion Ordinance Cops have ticketed home owners with weed violations. This started in the second week of April. I just mowed my yard for the first time today. The third week of April, the 24th day.

Many homeowners have not had their mowers out yet since we have been still running heat.

Add to that several days of rain, and there really has only been two days this year to work in the yard! People need time in the spring to bring properties up to snuff.

The Marion Police State is advancing. Is this a way to get property owners into court for added revenue? If it is, this government needs impeached.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Save the City

Lord I pray this local government be taken down quickly for the sake of the citizen!

I saw a nice yard with weed ordinance violation signs. I knew Seybold and his tin soldiers, would be soon on my street to put his jack boot government down on the neck of the citizens here.

Seybold Insane!

Fascism Alert:

Wayne Seybold and the Anti-goodness Marion City Council have unleashed weed control cops, seat belt cops, and more against the oppressed citizens of Marion.

Wayne was also quoted at one of his exclusive closed meetings with invitation only citizens:

As Saying: "You people need to get out and get jobs."

So we the unemployed are the problem.

Then that means, the great Wayne is the answer.

He is totally insane!

Save Marion, Impeach Wayne Seybold!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Let Us Pray

There is a great call now to prayer. There is also a great hunger for our Lord!

Prayer has more and more become a priority. Let us pray...

Let this City turn unto the Lord.

Lord we ask you to give your people a passion to pray. Start with me Lord! Thank You Lord!

Friday, April 17, 2009


The Lord has a restoration for Marion. Yet, I do not believe the present government will be able to grasp it.

It does us no good to have one entity grow while everything else diminishes. True recovery must reach all the city, not just elite subcultures.

We hope and believe that Jah would, come to this city, and turn it into His.

We have become Potterville. IWU is Potter. We look for a city whose builder and maker is Jah.

Concerning restoration, we know that our Lord desires good for Marion. I believe if the church, would lead in true repentance, Marion's job situation would change. It does no good to tell only the good things, and cover the coming of new business, while there are dozens of businesses, slipping out the back door.

God is good. For that we can be thankful!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Roll Call Vote on State Sovereignty Act

Roll Call Number: 336 Date: 04/09/2009
Time: 2:27:03 PM
SR 42
Senate Resolution Eligible for Adoption
Defense of state sovereignty resolution.
Presiding: Long
YEAS - 44 NAYS - 3 EXCUSED - 3
YEAS - 44
Alting Dillon Lawson Steele
Arnold Errington Leising Stutzman
Becker Gard Lewis Taylor
Boots Head Long Walker
Bray Hershman Lubbers Waltz
Breaux Holdman Merritt Waterman
Broden Hume Miller Wyss
Buck Kenley Mishler Yoder
Charbonneau Kruse Mrvan Young, M
Deig Lanane Simpson Young, R
Delph Landske Sipes Zakas
NAYS - 3
Randolph Rogers Tallian
Nugent Paul

(See article below)State Sovereignty

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jah's Judgment is Come

From PS 73

It is not unusual for Jah's people to deal with feelings of rejection and disillusionment when the world seems to go on in their evil, with no discernable restraint or judgment from the Lord to stop them.

Yet the Word tells us not to envy them.

David said he looked at them, and it was too painful for Him. He was in pain for how their sorcery's advanced them.

But then He went to the house of the Lord and knew their end.

Psa 73:16 When I thought to know this, it [was] too painful for me;
Psa 73:17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; [then] understood I their end.
Psa 73:18 Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

I beleive the City Government in Marion has crossed the line of no return. I believe Jah will oust them in the next four years. Thier end is at hand.

State Sovereignty

Indiana has gotten on the state's soverignty band wagon.

It is about time!

From State Senator Travis Holdman:

"Indiana Senate approves resolution urging president, federal government to recognize state sovereignty

STATEHOUSE (April 13, 2009) - A resolution co-authored by Sen. Travis Holdman (R-Markle) urging the federal government to end all state mandates beyond the scope of powers outlined by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was approved by the Indiana Senate recently.

Holdman's resolution received bipartisan support in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Public Policy and Interstate Cooperation, with four Democrats and four Republicans voting unanimously for passage.

"Many federal mandates are directly in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and the Supreme Court has ruled that Congress cannot take over the legislative and regulatory processes of the states." Holdman said. "This is not a new issue. Each year, more federal control is assumed over key public policy concerns by funding provisions with strings attached. In areas of education, road funding, agriculture, and a host of others where the state and the people have sole authority to act, the federal system has taken away our rights of self rule."

Sen. Tim Skinner (D-Terre Haute) noted in committee "...when the federal government wants to get involved in something, it holds states hostage with money."

Holdman cited words from James Madison, "the father of the constitution."

"Madison wrote that powers delegated to the federal government are few and defined while those remaining in the state governments are numerous and indefinite," Holdman said. "Federal government powers are designed for such national issues as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. The powers reserved to states cover everyday issues concerning the lives, liberties and properties of people." "

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bless this City

Early this Resurrection Sunday Morning I pray and stand watch over the city.

Much has happened in these days to make the call to prayer urgent.

We believe this is Jah's day. Let Jah arise and His enemies be scattered.

Lord bless this city as it blesses you!

The greatest thing we can do for this city, this night, is to pray.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Full Agreement

There is a grass roots movement to make a pledge to protect, defend, and support the Constitution.

This movement is one I support fully!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Future is at Hand

Nahum 3

1 Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; . . . . . . . . .

God forgive us our sins. They are many. Come Lord Jesus and establish your kingdom.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Before Your Very Eyes

I am predicting an unraveling of the local government led by IWU and Wayne Seybold.

Watch it happen before your eyes.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spiritual Babylon:

Micah 7:8 it says, "Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall, I will rise; though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me."

We are not here to curse our human enemies. We are here to pray for them and proclaim Jah’s judgment on their works. They will be held responsible for what they have done. We must give Jah room to work. He will repay.

We have seen in this community a total assault on the poor. The Lord warns us to consider the poor and He will remember this when we are going through trial. The assault of which I speak is the one being perpetrated, by those who claim to do good for the city. Indiana Wesleyan’s land grab, their hubris and lustful expansion, and the city government waiting at their beck and call, have produced a city totally out of balance. Religious fervor often unleashes the worst oppression. The poor are oppressed.

Since the evil we now experience in Marion has been unleashed through fleshly lust by a religious institution, the remedy can only come from the spiritual. When we do evil in Jah’s name, it takes repentance unto His ways, to reverse it.

Personally, I would hate to face Jah, with the blood of the poor on my hands. Sadly we have a whole city chasing after the spiritual Babylon that IWU has built. Spiritual Babylon exist anywhere that men gather together for some form of earthly gain. It is the place where men make a name for themselves. This spirit of Babylon rules the hearts of most in this world. In these last days, people seem willing to do almost anything for their 15 minutes of fame, or for the acceptance of, and reward from, those who have money and political power.

IWU has more of both money and political power, than anyone else in this city. They will give account for it.

If we would look at the beginning of the Ivy League Schools, we’d find that they all had Christian or spiritual roots. Today, they are without exception great gates to hell.

Success is seducing. I do not argue with IWU’s ability to train people for the future. They work hard at their task. What I question is, who are they training these people for? Who is their God? I do not hear anything about Jesus in their ads, or on their TV programs. (I do not speak about College Church but the University)

They surly have been seduced into thinking “they are the answer”… Jesus take second seat. Thier braggin on themselves, is nothing less than an attack on the poor. Yet the poor will arise!

The seduction must stop! Things (property/land)do not equate to holiness. Political power does not equate to holiness. The last days church described in John’s Revelation of Jesus Christ, is marked by Luke-warmness. Jah will not share His glory with any other. Not IWU, nor anyone else. Where is praise to our Lord from IWU? What say Ye?

The spirit of Babylon is active in Marion. It has put the people in a religious stupor and they do not receive the truth of the kingdom. We should not think that we are the first to face the seduction of this spirit, nor to be bewitched by it. .

When John the Revelator saw the whore Babylon, he wondered. (Selah)

IWU has many friends in high places. I wonder do they have friendship with Jah? Maybe their high place needs to come down!

To avert judgment and destruction, Repent unto the Kingdom of Jah!

Proclamation: Let IWU return to the God of the bible. Let their over-lording of all things Marion stop. If they refuse to stop their collusion against the Holy Spirit, let them cease to exist. So be it!

If you are interested in more of the “Kingdom of Jah” message which I preach, go to my Emmaus Road Teacher blog.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Yuppies and the Grocery

I was in an Aldi's store the other day. There were two managers there. I shared with them some concerns and dislikes I had concerning their store.

I shared simple things such as thinking it would be good to carry Ice Cream toppings all year long. I shared that ice cream topping is not seasonal.

The Yuppie managers were offended that I approached them.

I went home and wrote the main office. They sent me a very polite
letter saying they have no intention of changing the way they do things.

Meijer's will open in Marion soon. It will give Aldi's a bit more competition. They will get as much of my business as I can give them, especially in their organic produce.

Business in America is being run by yuppies, service and customer needs be damned! They will run their store, by computer printouts, and projected sales charts. Good products will be passed by for cheaper ones.

But do they know their self-focus and pride will eventually bring them down?

Possibe mottos for Aldi's: "The customer is never right" , "We know your needs better then you", "We will do whatever we damn well please."

Dear Mr. Brunner

Wayne Seybold's view of the glass half full, is tied directly to his $72 thousand, bilking of the people of Marion each year. If he were working for half that, or living hand to mouth much as many in Marion are, he would not be so positive.

The plight of the poor in Marion does not touch him personally.

For the good of the poor, Wayne must go. He is blind to true poverty in this city.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Police State Advancing:

Guess what, Pickup truck owners. The seat belt law has changed as of July 1st 2007. You now are required to wear a seat belt in your truck.

Did you see a story on this? Did you see it on the News? Did anyone send pickup owners a message in the mail? Did you see a bill board on it? NOOOO!

I didn’t get one.

But I got a ticket just the same.

A state policeman has staked out the by-pass in Marion! His name is Bart Stouffer. He is a deadpan cop. He likes his power.

Are tickets the way the Police State overlords will make up revenue they lost when the Tax Code was changed?

Yes, the Police state advances and the citizen is beaten down even farther under the heavy hand of the Indiana legislature and the State Police. God Help us!

The reason I blog this here, is not that I got a ticket. It is to once again warn of what is going on in the police. They are hiring and training young men to enforce Marshall Law. I can see the cop who stopped me today would have no problem smashing down the door of a home to arrest or kill a citizen who made some slight offense against the State.

He was cold, and dead. That is the type of man that will do what the over lings tell them without hesitation.

I also know there are those who are human and good, in the police department. Normal men.

I talked to one today who is normal. What a diffence in him, from Brent Stouffer and the SS Troop spirit he weilds.

I believe the Lord brought both these men into my life today. One to show me their are still good people in the police force. The other to warn me of what must be overthrown.