Monday, April 27, 2009


Last week the devil waged a great attack against my family. After dealing with the religious community in Marion....I can only say that I am less then supportive of the local religious community then ever.

The spirit of religion is well entrenched in almost every area of life in Marion. IWU is full of demonically inspired rules, which are man made. That is religion! In fact to call being in Marion "life", is a stretch of the imagination!

The City is constantly looking for some new way to bilk the tax- payer out of money, in an attempt to keep up with IWU's great expansion.

Living in Marion may be as close to hell as I ever wish to go. The religious church thinks "it" is the answer. In true fact, it is an oppressor of the poor. IWU steals from the poor taxpayer in Marion,
and lavishes it upon great buildings so their fame can grow.

When IWU maneuvered the closing of Nebraska, and later one-third of the city street budget for the 38th and Adams project, they stole from every citizen who has his car in the shop for broken suspension from hitting the holes in other roads that were neglected due to a misspent street budget.

What evil enities the IWU controlled city council, and the University have become. They are taken in pride. They are the police state. They are the nanny state. They don't think the citizen is smart enough to run thier own lives.

They are twice the sons of hell as have ever been in this city.

"I am sorry, I never knew you," comes to mind here!

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