Friday, October 31, 2008

30 jobs, Marion, and True Leaders

30 new jobs is 30 new jobs. The promise of more coming is a good thing. But 30 jobs will not make a dent in the loss of 2000 at the former Thompson plant.

Thank Jah for the thirty. But Marion is in a tough place. We need to repent unto the kingdom in this land to have Jah's real blessing.

To have the governor, the mayor and a state representative all show up for thirty jobs only cements the reality of the true state of this City. Marion is broken and broke. But there is hope. It is not in a new factory. It is in Jah.

The only way this nation can recover, is for a repentance unto the kingdom to sweep the land.

You will know true spirituality in this way. It will not compromise with the popular at the expense of the true.

Recovery for this country would include:

Repeal of abortion on demand.
Repeal the Federal Reserve Act.
Encouragement of true spirituality in all schools.
Repeal of FISA, The John Warner Defense Act, The Patriot Act, and all other unconstitutional laws.
An apology to the world for spying, killing, and destroying on and in, their sovereign nations.

Recovery for this city would include:

A repentance to humility, a sorrow over stealing Jah's glory in every CT article about the city. This theft perpetrated by praise of Wayne Seybold and IWU.
Truth in government. No more "sells" jobs, to whitewash the state of the economy.
A fairness in expenditures for the city. No more special treatment to IWU.
A return to reasonable salaries for the Mayor, and city council.
A ban on governmental advancement through borrowed money, bond issues, and other financial witchcraft.
A ban on over the top regulation, such as Idle laws, Smoking laws, undue property inspections, and all other police state actions.
A ban on tax hikes through "special taxes".

True leadership is servant hood. It is not done primarily for self promotion. It is one to help the people. The government is to be "For the People and by the People".The citizen is the point, not the governors.

Join with me to pray the fear of the Lord would return to this land.

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