A Grant County snow plow pushed my mother's mailbox over when plowing the road. They refuse to pay for it since they say thier plow did not actually hit the box.
It was the snow that pushed over that box, not the plow pushing it. Evil snow it was!
Now I know why I really don't like winter. It is all that evil snow..
This County is sick!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A Word from one of My Teachers
Thomas Akempis: An Imitation of Christ
From: Thomas Akempis: An Imitation of Christ
"The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above. The pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by many labors, for he does them all for the honor of God. And since he enjoys interior peace he seeks no selfish end in anything. What, indeed, gives more trouble and affliction than uncontrolled desires of the heart?
A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason. Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue."
Oh Marion, How long has Christ desired to gather you as a mother hen with her chicks?
From: Thomas Akempis: An Imitation of Christ
"The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above. The pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by many labors, for he does them all for the honor of God. And since he enjoys interior peace he seeks no selfish end in anything. What, indeed, gives more trouble and affliction than uncontrolled desires of the heart?
A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason. Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue."
Oh Marion, How long has Christ desired to gather you as a mother hen with her chicks?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
An open Letter to IWU:
"EVERY man naturally desires knowledge; but what good is knowledge without fear of God? Indeed a humble rustic who serves God is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars. He who knows himself well becomes mean in his own eyes and is not happy when praised by men.
If I knew all things in the world and had not charity, what would it profit me before God Who will judge me by my deeds?" Thomas Akempis
"Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned rather than to live well." Thomas Akempis
"EVERY man naturally desires knowledge; but what good is knowledge without fear of God? Indeed a humble rustic who serves God is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars. He who knows himself well becomes mean in his own eyes and is not happy when praised by men.
If I knew all things in the world and had not charity, what would it profit me before God Who will judge me by my deeds?" Thomas Akempis
"Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned rather than to live well." Thomas Akempis
Monday, December 7, 2009
New High Rise Apartment Complex Comes to Marion
Marion continues its... advancement:
Announcing Mobile Towers West!
This is the new High Rise Apartment complex, for the poor and unemployed in Marion. The funds were raised for this project through begging by formerly employed citizens at local convenience stores. You will notice this is the Christmas Picture of the complex. This begging was necessitated, because they were temporarily short of funds due to mismanagement of their unemployment benefits that ended last year, and they could therefore not afford the five dollar fee for "Christmas in the Park."
(note the Iron Cross in the top Left corner donated by a humanitarian couple who said: "We feel your pain". Christmas brings the best out of people!)
Isn't it great to know, that Marion has no economic problem as even their wasteful poor get to live in newly built high rise units? Of course this high rise will never reach full occupancy since Marion has no unemployed.
Let's keep it going Marion!
OK, what am I saying? I put this forth as the very kind of foolishness, our local government, and news paper propagate. They tell everything with Wayne colored glasses. They offer crap or nothing to the poor, and expect applause, and they would take credit for anything the poor peoples could come up with to lessen their own oppression.
News Flash:
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The Mobile Towers neighborhood association, plans to have a Christmas party around New Years. They will walk around rich neighborhoods after Christmas and secure a couple of discarded trees to use for decoration for the celebration. Also exact location of Mobile Towers is hard to know as the dwellings are moved often, in an effort to avoid any new special tax that the City Council would levee against it.
The MT neighborhood association has asked for Burn Barrels for the party and wrapping tubes and paper so that they will have heat for their party. Seems the burn barrels disappeared strangely from Matter Park after a recent City Council Meeting.
Repent Unto the Kingdom
I occasionally see on my TV, a local ministry of sorts, with their mouthpieces propagating their beliefs. It is sad as a prophet, to know that their lifeless faces portray the truth of their lives.... There is a demon spirit riding on their backs, and making inroads in their lives.
The Devil is a liar, and always comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
The answer for all of us is to repent unto The Kingdom...
The Devil is a liar, and always comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
The answer for all of us is to repent unto The Kingdom...
Friday, December 4, 2009
A Kingdom Perspective
This morning I viewed Steve DeNeff, Kieth Durey, and two others on the IWU discussion program. They were generally talking about what is passed on (spiritually) to the next generation.
They thought, that the main thing to pass on was "who God is", believing worship styles are more fluid. They believe "faith" is the thing or practice, that must be passed on. I agree in part.
Certainly without faith it is impossible to please Jah. No argument there. But there are "types" in Old Testament worship regulations that must remain a part of worship eternally. These are not held as "ceremonial law", but spiritually-as pattern. Old Testament patterns do matter. But righteousness, is only by faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary. Faith is not a feeling. There is a substance to faith.
As I have pointed out on my blogs, there are constants in the faith. The absolutes or constants are set, they do not change. Faith, Hope, and Love, are constants. Faith, hope, and love are a progressive force, in relationship to Father. You will not love without hope. You will not hope, without faith. Saving faith is a gift from Jah.
Church elder ship is a constant. However "Elder's Boards" are not, they are of a pattern, and useful when done in faith. Sunday School may be useful, but it is not an absolute. Sunday Worship is only an absolute, because men ought always to worship. But you can be holy without visiting the corner meeting house each Sunday Morning. Where you meet is a variable. To meet together is a constant. Meeting should be daily not held off till the start of the next week.
Gifts are useful until a maturity of the whole manifests. (this is rare)Once maturity comes the Spirit of Jah within, teaches primarily through the revealed word, and unction. The Holy Spirit is not a variable. Without Him you are not saved.
There are variables. If we leave out a constant from our faith-worship, we have heresy. If we hold or practice an absolute of the Word, as a variable, we have lie, confusion, and every evil work. Variables are things such as worship style, music, pews or chairs, elders or prophets as elders.. the externals. Constants are to be Word grounded in faith, and in hope, love, holiness, passion, and purity of heart. Fellowship is a constant, not a variable. Fellowship at some corner station because some preacher said you must, is more akin to witchcraft than faith.
Those who worship the Lord must worship in both Spirit and Truth. This is a constant. For, it is not enough to mentally ascend to the "high way" of Jah. We must also descend in a broken and contrite heart. It is not enough to feel contrite. We must live in contrition. So, what is true, and to be highly considered is: "Without the Spirit of Jah, we are none of His". This is true no matter how correct our eternal form of worship is. The truth is there is no real worship without the presence of the Spirit of Jah. Indeed worship practiced in a biblical pattern and correct form, yet which lacks faith, hope, and Love, is humanism.
For a greater understanding of these and other things from a Kingdom of Jah perspective, go to my blog called, Emmaus Teacher, listed in my information on this blog.
They thought, that the main thing to pass on was "who God is", believing worship styles are more fluid. They believe "faith" is the thing or practice, that must be passed on. I agree in part.
Certainly without faith it is impossible to please Jah. No argument there. But there are "types" in Old Testament worship regulations that must remain a part of worship eternally. These are not held as "ceremonial law", but spiritually-as pattern. Old Testament patterns do matter. But righteousness, is only by faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary. Faith is not a feeling. There is a substance to faith.
As I have pointed out on my blogs, there are constants in the faith. The absolutes or constants are set, they do not change. Faith, Hope, and Love, are constants. Faith, hope, and love are a progressive force, in relationship to Father. You will not love without hope. You will not hope, without faith. Saving faith is a gift from Jah.
Church elder ship is a constant. However "Elder's Boards" are not, they are of a pattern, and useful when done in faith. Sunday School may be useful, but it is not an absolute. Sunday Worship is only an absolute, because men ought always to worship. But you can be holy without visiting the corner meeting house each Sunday Morning. Where you meet is a variable. To meet together is a constant. Meeting should be daily not held off till the start of the next week.
Gifts are useful until a maturity of the whole manifests. (this is rare)Once maturity comes the Spirit of Jah within, teaches primarily through the revealed word, and unction. The Holy Spirit is not a variable. Without Him you are not saved.
There are variables. If we leave out a constant from our faith-worship, we have heresy. If we hold or practice an absolute of the Word, as a variable, we have lie, confusion, and every evil work. Variables are things such as worship style, music, pews or chairs, elders or prophets as elders.. the externals. Constants are to be Word grounded in faith, and in hope, love, holiness, passion, and purity of heart. Fellowship is a constant, not a variable. Fellowship at some corner station because some preacher said you must, is more akin to witchcraft than faith.
Those who worship the Lord must worship in both Spirit and Truth. This is a constant. For, it is not enough to mentally ascend to the "high way" of Jah. We must also descend in a broken and contrite heart. It is not enough to feel contrite. We must live in contrition. So, what is true, and to be highly considered is: "Without the Spirit of Jah, we are none of His". This is true no matter how correct our eternal form of worship is. The truth is there is no real worship without the presence of the Spirit of Jah. Indeed worship practiced in a biblical pattern and correct form, yet which lacks faith, hope, and Love, is humanism.
For a greater understanding of these and other things from a Kingdom of Jah perspective, go to my blog called, Emmaus Teacher, listed in my information on this blog.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Real Enemies
Alex Jones "Who are the real enemies of humanity?"
Lord Monckton: "The enemies of humanity are they who think they know best what is good for you the little guy. ..Any body who has that attitude does not deserve to hold high office but often they do hold them....
It is very important to understand how arrogant these peoples are. .."
Just a cursory overview of Marion's local government, reveals this same elitist attitude.
Wayne knows best...HA The government is our real enemy.
Check out: "Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore" At Infowars.com
Lord Monckton: "The enemies of humanity are they who think they know best what is good for you the little guy. ..Any body who has that attitude does not deserve to hold high office but often they do hold them....
It is very important to understand how arrogant these peoples are. .."
Just a cursory overview of Marion's local government, reveals this same elitist attitude.
Wayne knows best...HA The government is our real enemy.
Check out: "Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore" At Infowars.com
Friday, November 27, 2009
Illegitimate Authority
Manipulation is sin. That is the greatest message I have for this city today. It is the sin of witchcraft. Manipulation is useful for domination, and intimidation, to get ones way. But manipulation is not God's way.
Manipulation, Domination, and Intimidation, are all the use of illegitimate authority. Anyone who needs to use lies to keep their job are not only liars, they use the power called, "witchcraft".
In Paul's epistle to the Galatians's there is in Chapter 3, a statement about that church being bewitched. The effect of the bewitchment was to obscure the finished work of Christ on Calvary. The result was that the Galatian Brethren had begun to trust their works.
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Our obedience to Him is the greatest worship we can offer. To stay focused on Jesus is a quest few of us master.
Manipulation, Domination, and Intimidation, are all the use of illegitimate authority. Anyone who needs to use lies to keep their job are not only liars, they use the power called, "witchcraft".
In Paul's epistle to the Galatians's there is in Chapter 3, a statement about that church being bewitched. The effect of the bewitchment was to obscure the finished work of Christ on Calvary. The result was that the Galatian Brethren had begun to trust their works.
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Our obedience to Him is the greatest worship we can offer. To stay focused on Jesus is a quest few of us master.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Evil Close at Hand
When one group grows and most other things wane in a living body, you know the one thing that is growing is probably cancer.
Cancer lives, by taking the life from the cells in the body. What cancer does not realize is that when it takes the whole, there is nothing left for it to feed on. The body dies, and therefore cancer dies with it.
When IWU and the Wayne Seybold government control the finances of a city for their purpose, we know that some day, this government, and IWU will die in this town. We’ve seen the demise of most manufacturing in this city. The Federal Government now controls GM. Many of the citizens of this town do not have food. (ask St. Martin’s) Yet Wayne, and the City Council lavish themselves with pay raises while laying off others. This is a play right out of the IWU Fascist playbook. More then one former employee has said that to get rid of people with a “spiritual conscience”, they (IWU)close departments. Then they start a new one under another name that covers the work of the former..with different employees. These new employees, sold out to the IWU Fascism-rule of an elite for their own purpose.
I still can’t believe I heard Mr. Seybold on that National News cast, saying Marion had no problem, and money waiting to spend.
Look hard at the Marion/IWU government. You may never have a chance to see evil this close again. For when Jah destroys the works of Evil, these people will be charred cinders. You see all pay days are not on Friday, or when ever IWU, and the City make their drop.
Cancer lives, by taking the life from the cells in the body. What cancer does not realize is that when it takes the whole, there is nothing left for it to feed on. The body dies, and therefore cancer dies with it.
When IWU and the Wayne Seybold government control the finances of a city for their purpose, we know that some day, this government, and IWU will die in this town. We’ve seen the demise of most manufacturing in this city. The Federal Government now controls GM. Many of the citizens of this town do not have food. (ask St. Martin’s) Yet Wayne, and the City Council lavish themselves with pay raises while laying off others. This is a play right out of the IWU Fascist playbook. More then one former employee has said that to get rid of people with a “spiritual conscience”, they (IWU)close departments. Then they start a new one under another name that covers the work of the former..with different employees. These new employees, sold out to the IWU Fascism-rule of an elite for their own purpose.
I still can’t believe I heard Mr. Seybold on that National News cast, saying Marion had no problem, and money waiting to spend.
Look hard at the Marion/IWU government. You may never have a chance to see evil this close again. For when Jah destroys the works of Evil, these people will be charred cinders. You see all pay days are not on Friday, or when ever IWU, and the City make their drop.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The State Police
The Grant County Sheriff has recently complained about the State Police Motorcycle Units giving tickets in Marion. I long ago protested this.
However under the light of the fact that they operate on a quota basis, we know this is nothing less than total Police State oppression.
The State Police are not your Friend!
In fact the Sheriff has more than enough force to give tickets out. Have you ever seen a photo of the entire Sheriff's Department?
All that for Grant Co. ? I am sure the next census will show how foolish all this policing of the citizen is. Certainly we need a force big enough to protect the people. We do not need a car for every officer! Use the cars on multiple shifts.
The county has shrunk in population. So should the Police Force and Local Government.
The State Police need to go back to Pendleton.
Deputy, Police Officer, pick up you car downtown before your shift and save us money.
However under the light of the fact that they operate on a quota basis, we know this is nothing less than total Police State oppression.
The State Police are not your Friend!
In fact the Sheriff has more than enough force to give tickets out. Have you ever seen a photo of the entire Sheriff's Department?
All that for Grant Co. ? I am sure the next census will show how foolish all this policing of the citizen is. Certainly we need a force big enough to protect the people. We do not need a car for every officer! Use the cars on multiple shifts.
The county has shrunk in population. So should the Police Force and Local Government.
The State Police need to go back to Pendleton.
Deputy, Police Officer, pick up you car downtown before your shift and save us money.
Concerning the below story in the CT, that vaccinations are going smoothly.
Citizen do you know what is in those vaccines? They are poison.
Find out the facts: Mercola.com
Citizen do you know what is in those vaccines? They are poison.
Find out the facts: Mercola.com
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thank You Mr. Lincoln
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
The Gettysberg Address: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
The Gettysberg Address: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln
We Command These Things
We command truth to come about the cover-ups of our government and in business, and that righteousness be brought forth. We command Jah's servants to faith. We command Jah's servants to be at peace, and Jah shall lift you up.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Provision for Victory
Lord, we break the spirit of Mammon's control in this land. We call forth the provision for this day of victory. We say the power of oppression of the government and religion is broken.
Some call our government one "of God." This because there are people from IWU in the local government. I say, "It is anti-Constitution and rogue". Religious leaders are not an improvement to secular ones. We need Holy Spiritual leadership. I see none in this City Government.
Change is only good if it is bringing more freedom and a greater presence of Jah. But this City's government changes things to bring men under greater suppression of the government. Greater taxes are evil. Cutting taxes is Godly.
It is time for the overturning of oppressive government.
The best message I have for this city is summed up in the words of John and Christ: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
Some call our government one "of God." This because there are people from IWU in the local government. I say, "It is anti-Constitution and rogue". Religious leaders are not an improvement to secular ones. We need Holy Spiritual leadership. I see none in this City Government.
Change is only good if it is bringing more freedom and a greater presence of Jah. But this City's government changes things to bring men under greater suppression of the government. Greater taxes are evil. Cutting taxes is Godly.
It is time for the overturning of oppressive government.
The best message I have for this city is summed up in the words of John and Christ: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Throw the Bums Out
What Marion needs is a City Council that will say no. No to a Mayor that spends monies on special interest and no to a Mayor who had people in his life sacrifice for him while he made a name for himself in Skating and priviledge. And then who turned around and purposely lies about the local Economy.
Saying: We have no problem here in Marion, (Things are great in Marion) on a national TV show.
LIES Seybold Lies.
What Marion needs now since this City Council is in the tank with the Mayor, is to band together as citizens and throw these bums. out.
Saying: We have no problem here in Marion, (Things are great in Marion) on a national TV show.
LIES Seybold Lies.
What Marion needs now since this City Council is in the tank with the Mayor, is to band together as citizens and throw these bums. out.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Marion High
Upon picking up my kids at Marion High School tonight, my wife observed two fights in front of the School.
Looks like them uniforms are really making a difference.
Looks like them uniforms are really making a difference.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Things are slipping fast in the broken city of Marion, and in the nation. I experienced a 2 hr. line for food today at St. Martin De pores, which wrapped down Branson to 18th St., and back around two blocks on Horton Street here in Marion. It is reassuring to know that our Mayor thinks everything is fine in Marion. He is a very bad joke.
He is a fool who leads the City Council in their pride soaked ignorance. The fact is that Marion is sick. Their LOIT tax is straight from Hell. This is the worst Government that has ever led this City. Ruin is our destiny under the Seybold, IWU,
Brunner Coalition. Of course the Loit and over twenty layoffs insured raises for the Mayor and the City Council. There is not one shread of decencey in these denizons of darkness. They take food out of the mouth of the poor, which leaves more of the pie for themselves.
Over at the High School today, five patrol cars came to the aid of another officer who was Tasering a teen-age girl. Seems a teen age girl-I hear it was a sophomore girl-was too much for one officer. The police state advances. The citizens shudder under the heavy hand of the Seybold Coalition for dominance. Looks like the school uniforms didn't keep the peace did they? Our probationary School is in deep do do.
Also: Why are Cops Tasering Kids and Grandmas? Check it out at the URL below
He is a fool who leads the City Council in their pride soaked ignorance. The fact is that Marion is sick. Their LOIT tax is straight from Hell. This is the worst Government that has ever led this City. Ruin is our destiny under the Seybold, IWU,
Brunner Coalition. Of course the Loit and over twenty layoffs insured raises for the Mayor and the City Council. There is not one shread of decencey in these denizons of darkness. They take food out of the mouth of the poor, which leaves more of the pie for themselves.
Over at the High School today, five patrol cars came to the aid of another officer who was Tasering a teen-age girl. Seems a teen age girl-I hear it was a sophomore girl-was too much for one officer. The police state advances. The citizens shudder under the heavy hand of the Seybold Coalition for dominance. Looks like the school uniforms didn't keep the peace did they? Our probationary School is in deep do do.
Also: Why are Cops Tasering Kids and Grandmas? Check it out at the URL below
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Beware of Greedy Leaders
"Under the influence of the three gunas, the soul is (1) misled by matter, and (2) subsequently entangled and entrapped. This tendency is termed maya (illusion).
Under maya's influence, the atman, (the soul) mistakenly identifies with the body. He accepts such thoughts as "I am white and I am a man," or "This is my house, my country, and my religion." Thus the illusioned soul identifies with the temporary body and everything connected to it, such as race, gender, family, nation, bank balance, and sectarian religion. Under this sense of false-ego (false-identity) the soul aspires to control and enjoy matter. However, in so doing he continuously serves lust, greed, and anger. In frustration he often redoubles his efforts and, compounding mistake upon mistake, only falls deeper into illusion.
In ignorance (tamas), he is fully convinced that right is wrong and wrong is right. In passion he is unsure, hesitant, sometimes enjoying and at others times repenting. Only in goodness does the soul begin to develop wisdom – to see things in the real light. Thus enlightenment means moving away from tamas towards sattva. By so doing, the soul gradually escapes the clutches of maya and moves towards liberation.
Maya is the illusion which the material world paints to entangle and ensnare people to believe lies. It literally means: “That which is not.” "
They take you where you should not go...Beware of Maya, Beware of Darkness!
Note: As a Christian I know there is more than this, there is a personal force of Good which is God, and evil personified is a real Devil. Yet George possessed more good in His soul, than the local leaders who may claim Christ, yet who oppress the poor with tax and spend policies!
"Under the influence of the three gunas, the soul is (1) misled by matter, and (2) subsequently entangled and entrapped. This tendency is termed maya (illusion).
Under maya's influence, the atman, (the soul) mistakenly identifies with the body. He accepts such thoughts as "I am white and I am a man," or "This is my house, my country, and my religion." Thus the illusioned soul identifies with the temporary body and everything connected to it, such as race, gender, family, nation, bank balance, and sectarian religion. Under this sense of false-ego (false-identity) the soul aspires to control and enjoy matter. However, in so doing he continuously serves lust, greed, and anger. In frustration he often redoubles his efforts and, compounding mistake upon mistake, only falls deeper into illusion.
In ignorance (tamas), he is fully convinced that right is wrong and wrong is right. In passion he is unsure, hesitant, sometimes enjoying and at others times repenting. Only in goodness does the soul begin to develop wisdom – to see things in the real light. Thus enlightenment means moving away from tamas towards sattva. By so doing, the soul gradually escapes the clutches of maya and moves towards liberation.
Maya is the illusion which the material world paints to entangle and ensnare people to believe lies. It literally means: “That which is not.” "
They take you where you should not go...Beware of Maya, Beware of Darkness!
Note: As a Christian I know there is more than this, there is a personal force of Good which is God, and evil personified is a real Devil. Yet George possessed more good in His soul, than the local leaders who may claim Christ, yet who oppress the poor with tax and spend policies!
Tax Wraiths
The nine ride in the dark:
Actual footage of the The Tax Wraiths who ride through the city at night looking for ways to do financial evil to the poor citizens.
Nevels, Homer, French, Smith, Wright, Luzadder, Brunner, Batchelor, Miller.
They were once men, kings of men, then Sauron Seybold, the deceiver, gave them power to spend the inheritance of the city for more money for him and themselves. They are the silver spoon wraiths. They are drawn to the power of Wayne. They will never stop hunting your money Marion. At all times they feel the presence of their lust for more and more.
They came in the night to stab the hobbits of the city through. But the hobbits had already left for jobs in the south.
Again From the CT:
"Salaries for elected city officials were approved Tuesday in a brief Marion City Council meeting.
Next year, the mayor, city clerk and city judge will receive a 2.7 percent raise, just like nearly every other city employee. The mayor will make $74,232 in 2010, an increase from the current $72,280 salary."
To be continued...
Friday, October 30, 2009
We've Lost our Way
Contrary to statements by some in my so called "loving family", I do not write enough about my personal feelings concerning individual people on this blog. (in fact I have written one third of my former level for the last quarter) I mostly comment on the political decisions of the political, and my support or chagrin. Mostly chagrin concern the City of Marion.
Yes, I am still appalled at the actions of our local government, and federal as well.
I watched the Emilio Estevez movie called "Bobby", last night. The movie incorporated actual footage of Bobby Kennedy, as he spoke to the American people and gave them hope. It was not a false hope such as propagated, by the likes of Barak Obama, or on the local scene, Wayne Seybold, who continually force feed platitudes.. down the throats of the people.
Bobby spoke truth.
Bobby grew up in privilege, but he spoke to the needs of the poor, the error of the war in Viet Nam, and against crime. He was "for the People".
As we look at the present local, state, and federal political leaders, we can only cry. Yes, I cried when Bobby was shot in 68, and again last night as I watched the movie. I cried not so much for Bobby's death, as I had long ago mourned that tragedy. I cried for this nation, that has lost its way. Instead of truth, we have words of witchery, propagated through sound bites, which are regurgitated as fact, by the corporate "in the tank", news media.
Our local Mayor, with IWU and press support, has no idea of the foolishness of his rantings, nor the effect of his sin of hubris. This city is sick. It is fallen. It is spiritually dead. Churches that claim God's movement are full of the same hype that has kept Seybold, ever pressing on in his fantasy of a "prosperous city". Jah is not pleased with this city.
On the national scene, Barak Obama has done almost nothing he promised during the election. He is building up more troops, in a war he would "end", while he has spent more borrowed money then all the presidents preceding him together.
Our current government is full of silver-spooned-fools, prone to oppression of the poor. They are liars. Try to get a real figure on unemployment. There are none coming from the government, just more lies. "Arrogant liar", must be on the qualification list for politicians this day. The proud are blind. They do not even know the shame of their nakedness. But they will.
For the sin of oppressing the poor, this government will fall.
When I was young I would look at our founding documents and wonder why there was provision for replacing bad government. No no one need to wonder now. Since Jack Kennedy was assassinated, the nation has slowly slid ever more toward an abyss of darkness. When Lloyd Benson reminded Dan Quail he was no Jack Kennedy he did the nation a service.
You Obamaniacs need to know, you bought into a lie. He is a liar, and your are his fools. He is no Jack Kennedy.
We need leadership that is "for the people" and the Constitution. The globalist in our government at all levels need to be deported. They are traitors. Their name is "Mudd". They have too long helped the lie of a "One World Government", escape capture by those who stand for the Constitution.
This government is evil. It is self-absorbed. It needs replaced. It is blind and has fallen in the ditch. Slowly the people are seeing the emperors new clothes. This nation has lost its way. It needs to return to its Constitution. Yes, there are some Patriots in our Government. (Ron Paul comes to mind) But they are few.
I ask the Lord to give this nation new government. Give us Constitutional patriots, like the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King. And keep them safe from the Military Industrial Complexes assassin's bullet.
My assurance that this nation will fall unless it repent:
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Yes, I am still appalled at the actions of our local government, and federal as well.
I watched the Emilio Estevez movie called "Bobby", last night. The movie incorporated actual footage of Bobby Kennedy, as he spoke to the American people and gave them hope. It was not a false hope such as propagated, by the likes of Barak Obama, or on the local scene, Wayne Seybold, who continually force feed platitudes.. down the throats of the people.
Bobby spoke truth.
Bobby grew up in privilege, but he spoke to the needs of the poor, the error of the war in Viet Nam, and against crime. He was "for the People".
As we look at the present local, state, and federal political leaders, we can only cry. Yes, I cried when Bobby was shot in 68, and again last night as I watched the movie. I cried not so much for Bobby's death, as I had long ago mourned that tragedy. I cried for this nation, that has lost its way. Instead of truth, we have words of witchery, propagated through sound bites, which are regurgitated as fact, by the corporate "in the tank", news media.
Our local Mayor, with IWU and press support, has no idea of the foolishness of his rantings, nor the effect of his sin of hubris. This city is sick. It is fallen. It is spiritually dead. Churches that claim God's movement are full of the same hype that has kept Seybold, ever pressing on in his fantasy of a "prosperous city". Jah is not pleased with this city.
On the national scene, Barak Obama has done almost nothing he promised during the election. He is building up more troops, in a war he would "end", while he has spent more borrowed money then all the presidents preceding him together.
Our current government is full of silver-spooned-fools, prone to oppression of the poor. They are liars. Try to get a real figure on unemployment. There are none coming from the government, just more lies. "Arrogant liar", must be on the qualification list for politicians this day. The proud are blind. They do not even know the shame of their nakedness. But they will.
For the sin of oppressing the poor, this government will fall.
When I was young I would look at our founding documents and wonder why there was provision for replacing bad government. No no one need to wonder now. Since Jack Kennedy was assassinated, the nation has slowly slid ever more toward an abyss of darkness. When Lloyd Benson reminded Dan Quail he was no Jack Kennedy he did the nation a service.
You Obamaniacs need to know, you bought into a lie. He is a liar, and your are his fools. He is no Jack Kennedy.
We need leadership that is "for the people" and the Constitution. The globalist in our government at all levels need to be deported. They are traitors. Their name is "Mudd". They have too long helped the lie of a "One World Government", escape capture by those who stand for the Constitution.
This government is evil. It is self-absorbed. It needs replaced. It is blind and has fallen in the ditch. Slowly the people are seeing the emperors new clothes. This nation has lost its way. It needs to return to its Constitution. Yes, there are some Patriots in our Government. (Ron Paul comes to mind) But they are few.
I ask the Lord to give this nation new government. Give us Constitutional patriots, like the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King. And keep them safe from the Military Industrial Complexes assassin's bullet.
My assurance that this nation will fall unless it repent:
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
In two years, this city, this nation, will be a police state, if the citizen does not rise up and take this government back from the globalist Bankers.
Food and water and shelter are needed to sustain life. You must have these to exist. In a police state there will be controls on everything. Those not useful to the Police State government will be killed, imprisoned, or left to die.
If the nation fails totally, there may not be any way to survive.. Get Right with God America! If He chooses to honor George Washington's vision, we will survive.
Remember, men are not our salvation, mostly they are the problem. Our local government in Marion is marching us toward an evil end. They do not know, or believe the truth.
Food and water and shelter are needed to sustain life. You must have these to exist. In a police state there will be controls on everything. Those not useful to the Police State government will be killed, imprisoned, or left to die.
If the nation fails totally, there may not be any way to survive.. Get Right with God America! If He chooses to honor George Washington's vision, we will survive.
Remember, men are not our salvation, mostly they are the problem. Our local government in Marion is marching us toward an evil end. They do not know, or believe the truth.
Vote Fraud
There is no way the people's voice can be heard at the polls if the voting machines are not tamper proof.
I am convinced there was vote fraud in the last mayoral election in Marion.
Since the Florida Debacle, vote theft has been rampant in US elections. The people no longer elect any one. Every office is suspect under present voter law, and present voting machines.
I am convinced there was vote fraud in the last mayoral election in Marion.
Since the Florida Debacle, vote theft has been rampant in US elections. The people no longer elect any one. Every office is suspect under present voter law, and present voting machines.
This is Treason.
Published: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:10 AM EDT In the Chronicle Tribune:
"Salaries for elected city officials were approved Tuesday in a brief Marion City Council meeting.
Next year, the mayor, city clerk and city judge will receive a 2.7 percent raise, just like nearly every other city employee. The mayor will make $74,232 in 2010, an increase from the current $72,280 salary."...
To pay an already overpaid mayor more...
This is city council treason against the down trodden tax payer.
"Salaries for elected city officials were approved Tuesday in a brief Marion City Council meeting.
Next year, the mayor, city clerk and city judge will receive a 2.7 percent raise, just like nearly every other city employee. The mayor will make $74,232 in 2010, an increase from the current $72,280 salary."...
To pay an already overpaid mayor more...
This is city council treason against the down trodden tax payer.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mayor and the Truth about Marion
Quote from Fox News report on Marion.
"At a recent city council meeting in Marion Indiana, city leaders argued over how to spend the surplus cash in the budget. Its not a problem municipal and state governments typically have during a recession, figuring out how to spend, instead of how to make cuts. Marion leaders are trying not to be typical. Losing a major employer in 2004 was a strong incentive. "We lost our Thompson consumer plant which made...television components. Unemployment shot up to near 17% and we just figured it was time to go to work." says mayor Wayne Seybold. Going to work, meant using a "doing whatever it takes" mentality, to lure new business to the city of 30,000 people. Seybold met with company leaders around the United States and in China. Over a 5 year period, city leaders have coaxed over 400 businesses to collectively invest over a billion dollars in Marion. But probably the biggest coup was convincing General Motors not to pull out of the city. Tax incentives helped seal the deal.
GM has a large stamping plant in Marion, and a similar plant in the nearby city of Mansfield, Ohio. With GM needing to downsize, a battle of sorts emerged over which city would get to keep the jobs. Marion won, which means hundreds of GM workers will soon be calling the central Indiana city home. "In the midst of a recession its typical that the growth in one sector, the growth in one regional economy and the increase in jobs there will come at the expense of the contraction in economic activity and contraction of jobs in another " says Indiana Wesleyan professor Tom Lehman. "That's why we're not jumping up and cheering real loud about this, because we know it's at the expense of somebody else." Seybold says Economists determine those cities nationwide that tend to be on the winning end of the fight for growth, are the ones that have a more educated workforce, a greater diversity of population and local amenities that attract culture and arts. As the economy improves, experts say, there will be less of a need to pit city against city. Growth in one place could then lead to growth in another." (end of Fox quote)
The facts that we the unemployed citizen know about Marion is that there is still 17-30 percent unemployment. We welcome new business, but rue the loss of so many locally owned businesses. Drive down the by-pass, or other business roads. There are many empty shops.
Families with long term unemployment are suffering. Our city's answer is new business. New business does not help, if we lose old in the process. But that is wisdom, and this city with its IWU influence will not listen to such negative reports. So while the city council gives themselves and the Mayor raises, they lay off other workers to balance the budget. Then FOX news reports we have four million in reserve. This whole piece at Fox was just another Seybold whitewash.
But with IWU screaming; "Rah rah Wayne", and the Chronicle Tribune continuing in their quest to make Wayne's words scripture, we have little chance of converting people to the truth. Truth is, this city is broken. It will not get fixed without repentance unto the kingdom. The men who run this local government are bewitched by their own self-aggrandizing and hubris.
Although I understand the City Council wanting a raise, I do not believe it was wisdom in a depressed city. So the Mayor knows this; all you have to do is say "Marion is doing great", and then you can get more of the down trodden taxpayers money. Then you lie and say: "Taxes are reduced", (Seybold state did that) while employing new town and local taxes, trash tax, and the LOIT, and thereby you can claim reduced taxes while putting actual tax increases into effect. (inventiveness in doing evil comes to mind here) This City Council is a in the tank with the all that is in the Mayor's heart.
Oh yeah, how about rehiring the laid off workers with your surplus in the the budget.
How can this lying Mayor/government look us in the face, as we view closed business after closed business, and say; "all it well in Marion? Go to the unemployment office on Monday or Tuesday and find out the real story.
Or you can check out more lies at Fox. Or if you have a passion for lies, just listen to the next Seybold press release. Or Obama's for that matter.
"At a recent city council meeting in Marion Indiana, city leaders argued over how to spend the surplus cash in the budget. Its not a problem municipal and state governments typically have during a recession, figuring out how to spend, instead of how to make cuts. Marion leaders are trying not to be typical. Losing a major employer in 2004 was a strong incentive. "We lost our Thompson consumer plant which made...television components. Unemployment shot up to near 17% and we just figured it was time to go to work." says mayor Wayne Seybold. Going to work, meant using a "doing whatever it takes" mentality, to lure new business to the city of 30,000 people. Seybold met with company leaders around the United States and in China. Over a 5 year period, city leaders have coaxed over 400 businesses to collectively invest over a billion dollars in Marion. But probably the biggest coup was convincing General Motors not to pull out of the city. Tax incentives helped seal the deal.
GM has a large stamping plant in Marion, and a similar plant in the nearby city of Mansfield, Ohio. With GM needing to downsize, a battle of sorts emerged over which city would get to keep the jobs. Marion won, which means hundreds of GM workers will soon be calling the central Indiana city home. "In the midst of a recession its typical that the growth in one sector, the growth in one regional economy and the increase in jobs there will come at the expense of the contraction in economic activity and contraction of jobs in another " says Indiana Wesleyan professor Tom Lehman. "That's why we're not jumping up and cheering real loud about this, because we know it's at the expense of somebody else." Seybold says Economists determine those cities nationwide that tend to be on the winning end of the fight for growth, are the ones that have a more educated workforce, a greater diversity of population and local amenities that attract culture and arts. As the economy improves, experts say, there will be less of a need to pit city against city. Growth in one place could then lead to growth in another." (end of Fox quote)
The facts that we the unemployed citizen know about Marion is that there is still 17-30 percent unemployment. We welcome new business, but rue the loss of so many locally owned businesses. Drive down the by-pass, or other business roads. There are many empty shops.
Families with long term unemployment are suffering. Our city's answer is new business. New business does not help, if we lose old in the process. But that is wisdom, and this city with its IWU influence will not listen to such negative reports. So while the city council gives themselves and the Mayor raises, they lay off other workers to balance the budget. Then FOX news reports we have four million in reserve. This whole piece at Fox was just another Seybold whitewash.
But with IWU screaming; "Rah rah Wayne", and the Chronicle Tribune continuing in their quest to make Wayne's words scripture, we have little chance of converting people to the truth. Truth is, this city is broken. It will not get fixed without repentance unto the kingdom. The men who run this local government are bewitched by their own self-aggrandizing and hubris.
Although I understand the City Council wanting a raise, I do not believe it was wisdom in a depressed city. So the Mayor knows this; all you have to do is say "Marion is doing great", and then you can get more of the down trodden taxpayers money. Then you lie and say: "Taxes are reduced", (Seybold state did that) while employing new town and local taxes, trash tax, and the LOIT, and thereby you can claim reduced taxes while putting actual tax increases into effect. (inventiveness in doing evil comes to mind here) This City Council is a in the tank with the all that is in the Mayor's heart.
Oh yeah, how about rehiring the laid off workers with your surplus in the the budget.
How can this lying Mayor/government look us in the face, as we view closed business after closed business, and say; "all it well in Marion? Go to the unemployment office on Monday or Tuesday and find out the real story.
Or you can check out more lies at Fox. Or if you have a passion for lies, just listen to the next Seybold press release. Or Obama's for that matter.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Since the institution of the School Uniform Policy, I have seen only an outward compliance to rules. The hearts of the young are the same, and I cannot say, "full of hope".
When all we offer our children is Philosophical and Psychological truism, we have little chance of Marion being a School worthy of praise and honor. Indeed we are on probation and in risk of being taken by the state.
Many local educators are trying to change things, at MCS. I say to them unless you take the true values and precepts of the God of the bible into the school you are doomed to fail.
I see a violent outbreak will happen at Marion High, if there is not a divorcing of man-made ideas, and an embracing of the truth of the Word of God.
There are absolutes. Relativism is the problem. Repentance unto the kingdom is the cure.
When all we offer our children is Philosophical and Psychological truism, we have little chance of Marion being a School worthy of praise and honor. Indeed we are on probation and in risk of being taken by the state.
Many local educators are trying to change things, at MCS. I say to them unless you take the true values and precepts of the God of the bible into the school you are doomed to fail.
I see a violent outbreak will happen at Marion High, if there is not a divorcing of man-made ideas, and an embracing of the truth of the Word of God.
There are absolutes. Relativism is the problem. Repentance unto the kingdom is the cure.
A Living God
Judgment at Hand:
Isa 26:2 Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.
Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee.
Isa 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH [is] everlasting strength:
Isa 26:5 For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, [even] to the ground; he bringeth it [even] to the dust.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.
Isa 26:2 Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.
Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee.
Isa 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH [is] everlasting strength:
Isa 26:5 For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, [even] to the ground; he bringeth it [even] to the dust.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Have No part of the Flu Pandemic
I won't take the flu vaccine. You should not either. They are giving both a nasal spray and a shot. They will cause people to get the flu and thereby cause an epidemic.
Well meaning people are being used to advance this flu shot lie.
They are purposely creating a sickness on the people.
Have no part of it.
You can check out the latest on the flu pandemic at Infowars.com
Also at Dr. Mercola: (unfortunately you have to sign in now..Bad move Doc.)
Well meaning people are being used to advance this flu shot lie.
They are purposely creating a sickness on the people.
Have no part of it.
You can check out the latest on the flu pandemic at Infowars.com
Also at Dr. Mercola: (unfortunately you have to sign in now..Bad move Doc.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Is it Lie?
Do you know what the Flu shots contain? Are they safe?
Is there a flu pandemic?
Is it all lie?
Is there a flu pandemic?
Is it all lie?
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Thankful Mayor
Jobs are being cut in Marion Government. They had to be, yes. But our Mayor wants a raise. How about we get another Mayor who would be thankful for what he gets?
Many have no salary in this nation. Lord help the unemployed. Lord give us righteous government.
This Mayor is out of touch with reality.
Many have no salary in this nation. Lord help the unemployed. Lord give us righteous government.
This Mayor is out of touch with reality.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Religious Spirit:
The Religious spirit is active in this land. One of the great deceptions that the religious spirit uses is that it makes people feel good about themselves, when they do good things for the reward and/or honor of men. Religion is basically what man does that makes himself feel justified before God. It is Jesus-less stuff.
Religion is founded on zeal.
Rom. 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Religion is not Christianity. Christianity is not religion. Zeal for God is a good thing. But, zeal is not faith.
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
God requires obedience. It is much better than all our sacrifice. The Religious spirit will give us support in doing what we want to do for God, that is to say, what we choose to sacrifice.
1Sa 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams.
We can build a great university and call it Christian or Godly, but if it is for the glory of itself, it is religion. Many a movement started in humility ends in man glory.
My call in the Spirit as a prophet of God: Lord, I call upon you to tear down everything in this nation that calls itself by your name but does glorify you by submitting to your greater purpose for this hour.
I call for a breaking of the spirit of Babylon in this nation.
Religion is founded on zeal.
Rom. 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Religion is not Christianity. Christianity is not religion. Zeal for God is a good thing. But, zeal is not faith.
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
God requires obedience. It is much better than all our sacrifice. The Religious spirit will give us support in doing what we want to do for God, that is to say, what we choose to sacrifice.
1Sa 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams.
We can build a great university and call it Christian or Godly, but if it is for the glory of itself, it is religion. Many a movement started in humility ends in man glory.
My call in the Spirit as a prophet of God: Lord, I call upon you to tear down everything in this nation that calls itself by your name but does glorify you by submitting to your greater purpose for this hour.
I call for a breaking of the spirit of Babylon in this nation.
Friday, August 28, 2009
City suffers in Depression Era lack
From The Chronicle Tribune:
"Tax sale may be county’s largest
Property owners have until Sept. 16 to redeem land
By Maribeth Holtz
Published: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:10 AM EDT
The rights to hundreds of properties with delinquent taxes will be on the auctioning block next month, in the Grant County government tax sale.
So far, there are 1,550 parcels on the list to be auctioned. Grant County Treasurer Roger Bainbridge said people have until 4 p.m. Sept. 16 to pay off their property taxes and get them off the list before they can be auctioned in the Sept. 17 sale. After that, the owner can still redeem property by paying off back taxes and associated fees up to one year later."
Real stories like this defy the lies of local government. The city is in distress, and no positive spin by the Seybold regime will change that.
Who will get ahead in this time? The rich.
"Tax sale may be county’s largest
Property owners have until Sept. 16 to redeem land
By Maribeth Holtz
Published: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:10 AM EDT
The rights to hundreds of properties with delinquent taxes will be on the auctioning block next month, in the Grant County government tax sale.
So far, there are 1,550 parcels on the list to be auctioned. Grant County Treasurer Roger Bainbridge said people have until 4 p.m. Sept. 16 to pay off their property taxes and get them off the list before they can be auctioned in the Sept. 17 sale. After that, the owner can still redeem property by paying off back taxes and associated fees up to one year later."
Real stories like this defy the lies of local government. The city is in distress, and no positive spin by the Seybold regime will change that.
Who will get ahead in this time? The rich.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pride has been called the "armor of hell". That is why our political protest do little good. Our government is full of its own knowledge, yet rejects Jah's wisdom.
When our government falls, it will be at the astonishment of those very men who have taken it down the course of destruction.
When our government falls, it will be at the astonishment of those very men who have taken it down the course of destruction.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Where does the Present Path Lead?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Still not for Uniforms
One problem the School uniforms solve. We don't see Kids showing underwear, or flesh.
As a whole the kids look pretty good, and the schools have allowed enough diversity in the uniforms to make them not so bad.
But in principle, I am still not for uniforms.
As a whole the kids look pretty good, and the schools have allowed enough diversity in the uniforms to make them not so bad.
But in principle, I am still not for uniforms.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Marion Is a Failed City
I read of the Mayor's demands for more money for himself. This against the back drop of the hungry lining up at St. Martin's for some morsel of free food. This against the back drop of broken roads, and record unemployment.
While Indiana Wesleyan builds another new building, the poor lose their homes and now can't even find food.
Marion is a failed City. Religion is a demon.
Faith working in love is Jah's way.
While Indiana Wesleyan builds another new building, the poor lose their homes and now can't even find food.
Marion is a failed City. Religion is a demon.
Faith working in love is Jah's way.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Give us a New Mayor
The Mayor pushes for more raises, notably His. Even Alan Miller (IWU and Chronicle) the Mayor's cohort in extortion of monies from the people, does not support this latest bit of tax and spend Elitism.
From the Sunday (Seybold) Chronicle we notice even this "in the tank Paper", does not support Seybold on this. (note editorial Sunday Aug 16)
This Mayor believes he is more than justified in his bloated seventy-two thousand dollar salary. Infact he thinks he is worth more.
We now have a Loit. We now have trash tax. The horseleach spirit cries for more.
God give us a new Mayor.
Pro 30:15 The horseleach hath two daughters, [crying], Give, give. There are three [things that] are never satisfied, [yea], four [things] say not, [It is] enough:
From the Sunday (Seybold) Chronicle we notice even this "in the tank Paper", does not support Seybold on this. (note editorial Sunday Aug 16)
This Mayor believes he is more than justified in his bloated seventy-two thousand dollar salary. Infact he thinks he is worth more.
We now have a Loit. We now have trash tax. The horseleach spirit cries for more.
God give us a new Mayor.
Pro 30:15 The horseleach hath two daughters, [crying], Give, give. There are three [things that] are never satisfied, [yea], four [things] say not, [It is] enough:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Real War in Marion
Eph 6:12 “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].”
Yes we see government greed, arrogant edicts, and lies in the city. But the real war is fought by Godly Spiritual men on another plain, in another realm.
Yes we see government greed, arrogant edicts, and lies in the city. But the real war is fought by Godly Spiritual men on another plain, in another realm.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
No to Tax Hikes
I believe that almost all we see in our Government's meltdown, and the tendencies of local government toward tax and spend elitism is the working of a globalist agenda, and brought about through federal government hoops, and a conspiracy by our leadership in this Nation.
Although our local government is passing tax hikes and justifying the need by their idea of what is needed to run local government, I know that they are breaking the back of the citizen with this financial burden.
The tax and spend doctrine presently employed, has long been taught as a way to get ones needs met. This teaching comes from globalist elitist. This is the spirit of Mammon.
How much is enough? With this government, it is always a little bit more.
Godliness with contentment is great gain.
There is nothing Godly about our local government. They are oppressors of the people.
Although our local government is passing tax hikes and justifying the need by their idea of what is needed to run local government, I know that they are breaking the back of the citizen with this financial burden.
The tax and spend doctrine presently employed, has long been taught as a way to get ones needs met. This teaching comes from globalist elitist. This is the spirit of Mammon.
How much is enough? With this government, it is always a little bit more.
Godliness with contentment is great gain.
There is nothing Godly about our local government. They are oppressors of the people.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Let Your Spirit Rise
There is great oppression presently in the City. Lord, we ask for Your Spirit to arise!
New Government
It is obscene for city leaders to get raises while laying off other workers. This city needs new government. The arrogance of the leadership in this city is becoming historically note-able such as that which led Nazi Germany to believe they were the people with the "right", to rule all others.
When Godly leadership is in office, the people rejoice.
When Godly leadership is in office, the people rejoice.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
This City is Becoming more Hellish Every Day
The Marion Community School's fascist uniform policy is causing many problems as I said it would. Many can't even find uniforms that meet this Fascist policy. I E-mailed Kyle Kirby concerning this policy and he promptly spread my private E mail around, causing an unjust backlash.
This is failure of the highest magnitude.
This city with its tax and control policies is fascist. The Police State School uniforms are wrong. They may even be un-Constitutional.
No need for the city Government to tell us to go to Hell when we disagree with their fiat edicts. They have already made our life hell.
This is failure of the highest magnitude.
This city with its tax and control policies is fascist. The Police State School uniforms are wrong. They may even be un-Constitutional.
No need for the city Government to tell us to go to Hell when we disagree with their fiat edicts. They have already made our life hell.
From James Oliver, as printed in the Marion Chronicle in the early Nineties:
Years ago Dr. James Oliver wrote an article which was printed in the Marion Chronicle. This is that article and is from a day gone by, a day when the Chronicle actually printed truth.
“Whose right will be lost next?
The Declaration of Independence is the charter upon which our government is founded. The second paragraph state, ‘We hold these truths to be self Evident, all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure their rights Government are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed’.
The Constitution of the United States, the law under which our government operates to secure these rights for us, states in the Preamble: “WE THE PEOPLE” of the United States…. do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
According to the preamble, the ultimate power to govern in this country resides in WE THE PEOPLE, not Congress, not the president or the courts. ARTICLE 1 Section 1 states: “All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the United States. “Neither shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” Neither the executive not the judicial branch ahas any legislative power! Any legislative act by either of the branch cannot be enforced as law.
The following definitions are taken from the American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition 1985.
Murder: The unlawful killing of one human being by another.
Person: A human being or organization with legal rights and duties.
Human Being: A member of the genus Homo and of the Species Sapiens.
The only living example of the Homo Sapiens is Modern man. Modern man is defined biologically as a living organism whose cells contain human DNA.
Any person can be declared a non-person and lose his or her legal rights, if that person is convicted, by a jury of a crime that is punishable by death The act of declaring a person a non-person is called attainder. This act takes away all of the person legal rights and allows that person to be executed. Since this action is the result of a legal act, it is not murder.
In many countries a person can be declared a non-person by an act of the government. This type of act is called a bill of attainder and is illegal in all jurisdictions in the United States. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a bill of Attainder as: A legislative act pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, without trial and subjecting him or her to capital punishment and attainder.” The Constitution of The United States of America in Article 1, Section 9,, (laws that Congress cannot enact), the third paragraph states, “No bill of attainder shall be passed.: In the same Article Section 10 it states: “No State Shall…Pass any bill of Attainder.”
Since the executive and the judicial branches of the US government do not have the power to enact legislation, no bill of Attainder can be enacted in this country. However in Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court, in direct defiance of the Constitution has enacted a bill of attainder against any and all living unborn human beings, classifying them as Non-persons, and subjecting them to Attainder so that they can be legally executed. Thus in the United States, by an illegal act of the Supreme Court, abortion is not considered murder, and one group of human beings no longer has an unalienable right to life. Who will be the next group to lose this right?
James H. Oliver Jr., M.D., Upland
Thank you Dr. Oliver
Harvest time is here. Judgment for the wicked, restoration for the just. May we be found just. The Lord has said: "Lean not to your own understanding". He is forming and reforming the way.
We have seen the result of lives lived for self. That which is sewn to the wind will bring a whirlwind. That which is faith working in love will bring life.
We have seen the result of lives lived for self. That which is sewn to the wind will bring a whirlwind. That which is faith working in love will bring life.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Cut Spending
We see in the CT, the City is considering spending cuts. We applaud this. We thank Mr. Mcwirt and the County Council for being the first to discuss this as they gave a good example for the City Council to follow.
I recently read an article from the editor of a local newspaper in which he pointed out a flaw which was true about a certain segment of bloggers. He thought them to not be factual. The problem is he discredited all bloggers by his judgment of what some may be guilty of. His presupposition was that his paper was more qualified to speak of local events then the Internet bloggers. I totally disagree with what he said, and see it as a judgment being made from one who may not understand the nature of man's pride.
All men tend toward the sin of pride because it is the one sin we can sin that makes us feel better about ourselves. Pride in men, seldom condemns its habitation.
There is in this day, an abundance of pride in man. I do not speak here of the pride we talk of when we say a man takes pride in His work, meaning he is quality minded toward it. I speak of the pride the bible condemns as being destructive in the three verses here listed.
Psa 10:2 The wicked in [his] pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
Pro 11:2 [When] pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly [is] wisdom.
Pro 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Pride and wickedness go hand in hand. In fact pride always leads to a fall. It is a man’s own devices that ensnare him through pride. Proud men oppress others. All oppression starts with pride.
On my blog Emmausteacher, I have and will continue to speak much of the religious spirit. The religious spirit has two main ingredients: They are, pride and fear. Pride and fear are truly two great enemies we, "the called out of Jah", need to overcome, if we will ever live differently than the pagans.
If you are interested in more understanding of pride, please seek it out on that blog. I will be writing more on it in the future.
All men tend toward the sin of pride because it is the one sin we can sin that makes us feel better about ourselves. Pride in men, seldom condemns its habitation.
There is in this day, an abundance of pride in man. I do not speak here of the pride we talk of when we say a man takes pride in His work, meaning he is quality minded toward it. I speak of the pride the bible condemns as being destructive in the three verses here listed.
Psa 10:2 The wicked in [his] pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
Pro 11:2 [When] pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly [is] wisdom.
Pro 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Pride and wickedness go hand in hand. In fact pride always leads to a fall. It is a man’s own devices that ensnare him through pride. Proud men oppress others. All oppression starts with pride.
On my blog Emmausteacher, I have and will continue to speak much of the religious spirit. The religious spirit has two main ingredients: They are, pride and fear. Pride and fear are truly two great enemies we, "the called out of Jah", need to overcome, if we will ever live differently than the pagans.
If you are interested in more understanding of pride, please seek it out on that blog. I will be writing more on it in the future.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Protest Obama's Health Plan Monday, July 27th
INDIANAPOLIS: 10 W Market Street, Ste 1650 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Diane Hubbard (tdh8830@aol.com)
EVANSVILLE: 101 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Frank Peterlin (peterlinvi@aol.com)
FORT WAYNE: 1300 S Harrison Street, Ste 3161 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Monica Boyer (monboy2303@yahoo.com) or
Jon Northup (jnorthup@truevine.net)
HAMMOND: 5400 Federal Plaza, Ste 3200 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Mark Leyva (markleyva1959@sbcglobal.net) or
Bonnie Kuzminski (bonniek@nwipatriots.com)
JEFFERSONVILLE: 1201 E 10th Street, Ste 106 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Susan Martin (dmartin89@comcast.net)
SOUTH BEND: 130 S Main Street, Ste 110 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Cindy Bachota (bachota@sbcglobal.net)
Monday, July 27th (Tea Party)
(RSVP/Contact: Diane Hubbard (tdh8830@aol.com)
EVANSVILLE: 101 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Frank Peterlin (peterlinvi@aol.com)
FORT WAYNE: 1300 S Harrison Street, Ste 3161 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Monica Boyer (monboy2303@yahoo.com) or
Jon Northup (jnorthup@truevine.net)
HAMMOND: 5400 Federal Plaza, Ste 3200 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Mark Leyva (markleyva1959@sbcglobal.net) or
Bonnie Kuzminski (bonniek@nwipatriots.com)
JEFFERSONVILLE: 1201 E 10th Street, Ste 106 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Susan Martin (dmartin89@comcast.net)
SOUTH BEND: 130 S Main Street, Ste 110 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
(RSVP/Contact: Cindy Bachota (bachota@sbcglobal.net)
Monday, July 27th (Tea Party)
44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep
44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep. The corruption of our elected officials is beginning to come out.
Look for it to come to a city near you..Marion.
Look for it to come to a city near you..Marion.
Something Revealed

I have a knowing concerning Marion but it is not at all clear to me. Something that has been hidden will be revealed. This revelation will at first be a blow and embarrassment to the community but ultimately is for the good of the city as it will overturn some of the control that has been placed on the community by the religious.
It will be like lightening striking.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Government
Consistently the city of Marion has made wrong choices concerning the city. Every time they vote to raise spending and taxes, they fail the citizen. They have been like drunken sailors on shore leave wasting tax dollars. The new taxes are a burden that is unjust to the citizen.
Less spending is the answer. But like the Federal Government the Local Government seems to think bigger Government spending and control is the way to go.
Marion suffers from elitist thinking by those whose hearts are not prepared for leadership but are elected and held in place by IWU's influence and vote. What is good for IWU, is not necessarily good for Marion. IWU is a good place for people to get an education,to get a job. However, they are not in my opinion, Holy Spiritual. They should have a voice. But, many know, they do not speak as God's voice, concerning this city.
Weep for the City of Marion. New repentant Government, Local, State, and Federal is needed. The Great Republic is broken. We need a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We need a rebirth of freedom in this nation. Where have I heard that before?
Oh Yeah the Gettysburg Address:
"...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of
freedom; and that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth..."
Also, from the last TRUE Conservative:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan
Sadly, "One day", is here.
For the true people of Jah, we have this hope:
Ps. 82
"The answer to 1984, is 1776." Alex Jones
Lord we need a new Reformation!
Less spending is the answer. But like the Federal Government the Local Government seems to think bigger Government spending and control is the way to go.
Marion suffers from elitist thinking by those whose hearts are not prepared for leadership but are elected and held in place by IWU's influence and vote. What is good for IWU, is not necessarily good for Marion. IWU is a good place for people to get an education,to get a job. However, they are not in my opinion, Holy Spiritual. They should have a voice. But, many know, they do not speak as God's voice, concerning this city.
Weep for the City of Marion. New repentant Government, Local, State, and Federal is needed. The Great Republic is broken. We need a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We need a rebirth of freedom in this nation. Where have I heard that before?
Oh Yeah the Gettysburg Address:
"...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of
freedom; and that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth..."
Also, from the last TRUE Conservative:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan
Sadly, "One day", is here.
For the true people of Jah, we have this hope:
Ps. 82
"The answer to 1984, is 1776." Alex Jones
Lord we need a new Reformation!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Heal Us Lord
Lord we pray for this city. Let us return to you that you might heal us.
Hsa 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
Hsa 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Slide Continues
Prophetic warnings that cause people to repent can result in judgment being delayed or canceled, eg. when Jonah prophesied to Nineveh.
But this nation, this state, and this city have proven themselves to be stiff necked.
I did see what could be a little bit of wisdom in the County Council and Mr. Mcwirt. He was recommending cuts to meet the budget. Folks, the country is all but gone, sold out to the global bankers and the Federal Reserve.
On my Blog: Reversal Now, I note an article by Paul Craig Roberts that may be the epitaph to American Economic Power.
Just as we have warned, record numbers of people are losing their homes. The Nation is falling, falling, sliding into an abyss.
Lord we call this nation's churches to embrace your kingdom, and the marketplace ministry that is flowing from the kingdom. The four walls of the church have separated it from the harvest.
Unless the church repent unto the kingdom and then take kingdom truth and invade the nation, the nation will be lost.
But this nation, this state, and this city have proven themselves to be stiff necked.
I did see what could be a little bit of wisdom in the County Council and Mr. Mcwirt. He was recommending cuts to meet the budget. Folks, the country is all but gone, sold out to the global bankers and the Federal Reserve.
On my Blog: Reversal Now, I note an article by Paul Craig Roberts that may be the epitaph to American Economic Power.
Just as we have warned, record numbers of people are losing their homes. The Nation is falling, falling, sliding into an abyss.
Lord we call this nation's churches to embrace your kingdom, and the marketplace ministry that is flowing from the kingdom. The four walls of the church have separated it from the harvest.
Unless the church repent unto the kingdom and then take kingdom truth and invade the nation, the nation will be lost.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Reality of this Day
Although I rarely comment of city matters anymore, I thought I'd say that I watched the county council meeting on TV last night. Mr. Mcwirt is leading that group in reality. He is encouraging cutbacks, and not glossing over the financial problems the county and the country are in.
It is good to see someone in local government has realized that the money is not there to continue on with things as usual. Jobs will need to be cut. It is a reality that the City Council needs to see.
Services need cut, salaries need cut, jobs need cut. This city needs to live within its means, not put more ungodly taxes on the citizen such as the trash tax, and the LOIT.
The best thing we can do is throw out this government. But alas, IWU will keep them in. Sad for the poor, great for the dark overlord, IWU.
This is truth. Other announcements are lies.
Lord we need wisdom in this government.
It is good to see someone in local government has realized that the money is not there to continue on with things as usual. Jobs will need to be cut. It is a reality that the City Council needs to see.
Services need cut, salaries need cut, jobs need cut. This city needs to live within its means, not put more ungodly taxes on the citizen such as the trash tax, and the LOIT.
The best thing we can do is throw out this government. But alas, IWU will keep them in. Sad for the poor, great for the dark overlord, IWU.
This is truth. Other announcements are lies.
Lord we need wisdom in this government.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The passing of the LOIT will prove the undoing of this city. We have a government that does not listen to its people.
Monday, June 29, 2009
My Prayer
Lord we pray for this city. We take up your cause to pray for those who spitefully use us.
Taxation without representation of our ideas is tyranny. We lift up this city and ask that You stop their plan to over tax the citizen. We call you to break new plans of increased spending and instead bring reversal, frugal government, and a 50% cut in government expenses.
Taxation without representation of our ideas is tyranny. We lift up this city and ask that You stop their plan to over tax the citizen. We call you to break new plans of increased spending and instead bring reversal, frugal government, and a 50% cut in government expenses.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
"An equal application of law to every condition of man is fundamental." --Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, 1807. ME 11:341
Not one in our local government has displayed a love of this truth.
Not one in our local government has displayed a love of this truth.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Break the Curse
Lord your church is blind. Give them a seer and sight. Lord your church is deaf, give us a prophet and hearing. Let the curse of having ears and not hearing, pass in this day.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Depression Here
With local unemployment reaching an admitted 15% and actual unemployment in Marion nearing 25%, we can now say that the country has been thrown by the globalist into an undeniable depression. This is not yet as great as the great depression and its 30% unemployment, but can rightly be called a depression.
So long as we murder our babies Jah has no recourse but to let us slip farther into the abyss.
So long as we murder our babies Jah has no recourse but to let us slip farther into the abyss.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Read it and Weep
As I've been saying unemployment is much worse then it has been. Not since the depression have we seen it so bad. Howard County tops the official unemployment rate with over 19%. The rest of the state has an average of almost eleven percent.
Those of us who are aware know that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The actual figures would be at least forty percent higher.
The government only counts those applying for unemployment benefits.
This has been the policy since Clinton.
The national average is actually around 20%. Real unemployment in Kokomo would be around 25-30%.
Those of us who are aware know that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The actual figures would be at least forty percent higher.
The government only counts those applying for unemployment benefits.
This has been the policy since Clinton.
The national average is actually around 20%. Real unemployment in Kokomo would be around 25-30%.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
In Honor of My Father
"Crises Happens". I think that thought should be a bumper sticker.
My dad was a person who was good in the time of crises. He was my sounding board for my first 7 years of my walk with Jesus. When I spoke to him in times of crises, his response gave me clarity. I can’t tell you how many times I went to him and said:
"Dad, I've got a problem."
Then I‘d tell him what it was and what I intended to do. When and if he gave me a harmonious response, that message, that reverberation, might encourage me to continue on the path I was thinking.. But if it were dissonant, I might know that maybe my song needed some rewriting. Separating self from Spirit. At least I should examine things more closely.
In all my composing, my living of life, I learned from him how to handle crises times. Wisdom was after all the principal thing.
He was a bit of a non-conformist. The family knew James Dean after all. That generation of my family were there and hung around,"Where cool was born". His life had vibrancy, musical harmonies, and useful dissonance and color.
I speak today of something I gained from my father, and one of his many helpful character Traits. He taught me how to stand. To sing my own Jesus song.
I grew up in a home where my parents were involved with church and God. But in the early years I saw more church then God, and I thought church to be limiting. Church can be that at times.
My only real problem in that day, was I was blind to Jesus. But God had a plan for me. New sight. So he created a crises for my parents. A kid who didn’t want Jesus could be conquered by an event totally unrelated.
I speak to you today of a time about 1977 when I was working with dad in the construction trades. He had had a life changing experience, and I knew nothing of it, but I knew he was changing, because his words changed. That experience lead to a new reality for him. It made him interesting to me. Colorful.
That experience I speak of is when he came face to face with something that would be somewhat unbelievable for most here, and avoided by most. He found God calling upon him, to deal with a young teenager who was bound by the enemy. I am not here to dwell on that today.
In that experience he and my mother experienced the Lord’s spirit in a new way. And at that time, I became interested in the God I had heard about all my life, because now I saw that God’s power, in my Father’s life.
He in that time helped a young man in crises, and would from that time be a greater help for all whom the Lord gave him, because of that experience with that young man, and the resultant courage he had gained.
I gave my life to Jesus, at 25 years of age, on Oct. 31 1978 because of the change I saw, and the new wisdom I heard in my dad’s life. And the church cheered him…right? No they ostracised him, for the very truth that made me want what he had.
He had Wisdom, which was wisdom he had gained in being used in the crises time of another’s life.
Later I saw my father in a church-crises and a business-crises. And I saw a man who had more courage than I did. He had that courage because God had promoted him in the kingdom, though a great challenge. If you have not been a crises that challenges everything you believe, and everyone you know, and makes you seek to know more of God, you are operating far below what is available.
Nobody gets up in the morning and asks for the Lord to give them more conflict. But what if that is His way for you know Him in a greater way? It is Jesus who must lead. But you will be promoted by how you trust in every day’s walk.
So, I was walking with dad and God, because Dad did not back down in the crises to the council of the religious or the intimidation of those who cry for colorless safe living. I learned from him to hate sameness, tameness and lameness when it is used for the purpose of the acceptance of men and conformity for earthly gain.
I saw a man who had experienced how evil, evil can be, and who knew God can be a whole lot more powerful than evil. And I wanted whatr he had and more.
We are not called to stop in what ever the former generation had, but to find there is even more.
In Dad- in church crises- I saw a man who tried to be reconciled with men who for the most part, did not have his good as a consideration of their hearts, but rather who wanted to keep the status quo. It takes courage to be different. But the Jesus I have come to know, requires it… if you will be one of His inner circle.
Later in business I saw dad in a crises time, take upon himself blame and loss for things I could have been equally blamed for too. Again courage.
I knew from observing my Father what it was to have courage. I knew from listening to him the source of His courage. He also did not fear facing his failures.
Each generation gains from that which goes before. If we live by faith, our children’s faith will have the proper soil to grow greater than ours.
You see, I learned from my father that crises are opportunities. A lost job may be a chance for a new ministry and life. A Lost church, a chance for a greater revelation of who God, the Lord Jesus, Jesuha Hamashia, Jesus the anointed is.
My father's ultimate success in life, depends on His children becoming a multiplication of himself.
The intention of this entry, is not condemnation, but rather a challenge to follow the path of those who believe, who like Harold, have found that there is something beyond religious conformity. Dad was like Peter. He got out of the boat.
He lived a life in the world. He was not isolated from the world or sinners, but like Jesus was their friend.
God has more. To get the "more", you need to allow Him to put you into places where you do not have enough, and in and of yourself, cannot be successful. For some of you that may means your comfort zone is in peril. I do not speak against church. I speak for The world whom Jesus gave his life for because he loved it.
All that glitters in church is not gold. Our liturgy often isolates of from true deliverance. Ours and the worlds. I am a pastor. I know it is easy to hide behind our self-painted 5x10 glossies we share with the world. What picture does God want to paint on the canvass of your life? What will fall out for the furtherance of the Gospel from your life?
In getting out of the boat, you will learn that trust in Him is everything. And when you have experienced Him as faithful, you will be the one who they come to… and they then say to you; “Dad, I got a problem.”
I am thankful for my dad, who was for the most part, a rock in the time of crises. He taught me that to be conformed to the image of a living savior, is usually to believe what others dare not.
Harold is gone.. promoted. His torch is being passed. Are you the one, who the Lord is calling to fill in that gap? Education, Knowledge and skill may be good, but not enough. Wisdom is the principal thing.
Crises happens. Wisdom is Father’s answer. What song shall your life be? What melody? What harmony? What reverberation will you bring to worship of Father?
Harold Vermilion
Died Sat. June 16, 2009
My dad was a person who was good in the time of crises. He was my sounding board for my first 7 years of my walk with Jesus. When I spoke to him in times of crises, his response gave me clarity. I can’t tell you how many times I went to him and said:
"Dad, I've got a problem."
Then I‘d tell him what it was and what I intended to do. When and if he gave me a harmonious response, that message, that reverberation, might encourage me to continue on the path I was thinking.. But if it were dissonant, I might know that maybe my song needed some rewriting. Separating self from Spirit. At least I should examine things more closely.
In all my composing, my living of life, I learned from him how to handle crises times. Wisdom was after all the principal thing.
He was a bit of a non-conformist. The family knew James Dean after all. That generation of my family were there and hung around,"Where cool was born". His life had vibrancy, musical harmonies, and useful dissonance and color.
I speak today of something I gained from my father, and one of his many helpful character Traits. He taught me how to stand. To sing my own Jesus song.
I grew up in a home where my parents were involved with church and God. But in the early years I saw more church then God, and I thought church to be limiting. Church can be that at times.
My only real problem in that day, was I was blind to Jesus. But God had a plan for me. New sight. So he created a crises for my parents. A kid who didn’t want Jesus could be conquered by an event totally unrelated.
I speak to you today of a time about 1977 when I was working with dad in the construction trades. He had had a life changing experience, and I knew nothing of it, but I knew he was changing, because his words changed. That experience lead to a new reality for him. It made him interesting to me. Colorful.
That experience I speak of is when he came face to face with something that would be somewhat unbelievable for most here, and avoided by most. He found God calling upon him, to deal with a young teenager who was bound by the enemy. I am not here to dwell on that today.
In that experience he and my mother experienced the Lord’s spirit in a new way. And at that time, I became interested in the God I had heard about all my life, because now I saw that God’s power, in my Father’s life.
He in that time helped a young man in crises, and would from that time be a greater help for all whom the Lord gave him, because of that experience with that young man, and the resultant courage he had gained.
I gave my life to Jesus, at 25 years of age, on Oct. 31 1978 because of the change I saw, and the new wisdom I heard in my dad’s life. And the church cheered him…right? No they ostracised him, for the very truth that made me want what he had.
He had Wisdom, which was wisdom he had gained in being used in the crises time of another’s life.
Later I saw my father in a church-crises and a business-crises. And I saw a man who had more courage than I did. He had that courage because God had promoted him in the kingdom, though a great challenge. If you have not been a crises that challenges everything you believe, and everyone you know, and makes you seek to know more of God, you are operating far below what is available.
Nobody gets up in the morning and asks for the Lord to give them more conflict. But what if that is His way for you know Him in a greater way? It is Jesus who must lead. But you will be promoted by how you trust in every day’s walk.
So, I was walking with dad and God, because Dad did not back down in the crises to the council of the religious or the intimidation of those who cry for colorless safe living. I learned from him to hate sameness, tameness and lameness when it is used for the purpose of the acceptance of men and conformity for earthly gain.
I saw a man who had experienced how evil, evil can be, and who knew God can be a whole lot more powerful than evil. And I wanted whatr he had and more.
We are not called to stop in what ever the former generation had, but to find there is even more.
In Dad- in church crises- I saw a man who tried to be reconciled with men who for the most part, did not have his good as a consideration of their hearts, but rather who wanted to keep the status quo. It takes courage to be different. But the Jesus I have come to know, requires it… if you will be one of His inner circle.
Later in business I saw dad in a crises time, take upon himself blame and loss for things I could have been equally blamed for too. Again courage.
I knew from observing my Father what it was to have courage. I knew from listening to him the source of His courage. He also did not fear facing his failures.
Each generation gains from that which goes before. If we live by faith, our children’s faith will have the proper soil to grow greater than ours.
You see, I learned from my father that crises are opportunities. A lost job may be a chance for a new ministry and life. A Lost church, a chance for a greater revelation of who God, the Lord Jesus, Jesuha Hamashia, Jesus the anointed is.
My father's ultimate success in life, depends on His children becoming a multiplication of himself.
The intention of this entry, is not condemnation, but rather a challenge to follow the path of those who believe, who like Harold, have found that there is something beyond religious conformity. Dad was like Peter. He got out of the boat.
He lived a life in the world. He was not isolated from the world or sinners, but like Jesus was their friend.
God has more. To get the "more", you need to allow Him to put you into places where you do not have enough, and in and of yourself, cannot be successful. For some of you that may means your comfort zone is in peril. I do not speak against church. I speak for The world whom Jesus gave his life for because he loved it.
All that glitters in church is not gold. Our liturgy often isolates of from true deliverance. Ours and the worlds. I am a pastor. I know it is easy to hide behind our self-painted 5x10 glossies we share with the world. What picture does God want to paint on the canvass of your life? What will fall out for the furtherance of the Gospel from your life?
In getting out of the boat, you will learn that trust in Him is everything. And when you have experienced Him as faithful, you will be the one who they come to… and they then say to you; “Dad, I got a problem.”
I am thankful for my dad, who was for the most part, a rock in the time of crises. He taught me that to be conformed to the image of a living savior, is usually to believe what others dare not.
Harold is gone.. promoted. His torch is being passed. Are you the one, who the Lord is calling to fill in that gap? Education, Knowledge and skill may be good, but not enough. Wisdom is the principal thing.
Crises happens. Wisdom is Father’s answer. What song shall your life be? What melody? What harmony? What reverberation will you bring to worship of Father?
Harold Vermilion
Died Sat. June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Good Government
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. Thomas Jefferson
By this standard this city is poorly governed.
By this standard this city is poorly governed.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Moving On
Marion's leadership has shown a total unwillingness to listen to the warnings on my Local blog, and they do not even acknowledge, for the most part, my letters and Emails. Any more time on this City
would be wasted.
Marion will suffer greatly for its pride. For those who want to keep following my comments, I still have my Two "Kingdom of God blogs" and the National Blog. I have the most hope for the Kingdom of God blogs.
would be wasted.
Marion will suffer greatly for its pride. For those who want to keep following my comments, I still have my Two "Kingdom of God blogs" and the National Blog. I have the most hope for the Kingdom of God blogs.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Osgiliath is Overrun
When a prophet stops speaking warnings to a city, the city may rejoice at first, since it does not have to be bothered by the negativity. But that city that rejects the word of the prophet loses the prophet's reward. It will soon find it should have listened.
Osgiliath is overrun.
Osgiliath is overrun.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The school uniform policy was passed by the school board. This of course will solve some problems.
The dress of some students will not be vulgar anymore.
But sadly, the uniqueness of the student will be limited as well.
Mandated Modesty 1 Liberty 0
The dress of some students will not be vulgar anymore.
But sadly, the uniqueness of the student will be limited as well.
Mandated Modesty 1 Liberty 0
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This City needs to Spend Less
The Mayor can make his arguments that Marion spends less per capita then other cities. This does not negate the fact that Taxes have increased and are more increasing under his leadership.
My Taxes have increased about 20% in the last five years. Taxes for what? It is for the spending of the City and to support the IWU Vatican.
I look at the work going on, rock piles denote future fountains at five points and Matter Park. New Street Dept. trucks, Trash Trucks and other specialty trucks to look in the sewers, and evidential clean them, underscore the problem. This city has a wanting spirit. It wants to keep up with the Wesleyan College that has everything new, and high tuition to match. (They can justify it because they have a similar tuition to Taylor)
The leaders of Marion, want people to come to Marion. I would say to anyone looking to relocate here; "Find a better direction for your life".
Jobs are the problem. We need jobs. The new equipment is just a burden on the same old tax payer that has been getting the shaft for the last five years in this city. We need more people working. More want to work. There are few jobs for them.
We don't need fountains, we need jobs for Marion people, not jobs for outside contractors. Jobs, for the citizen.
IWU has consistently used outside contractors, even for its small jobs. I have seen only one local contractor park on the campus in the last five years. I don't know if there have been others, since I get sick every time I look at the great Wesleyan Mordor which grows as cancer on the south side. I do avoid it when ever possible. We need jobs in Marion. Not replacement of local businesses. Jobs.
On the bypass, we see new food places. The yuppie generation cheers it as progress. I would rather see the home town shops going in there. Few of them were able to afford the land on the by pass. Most of them are leaving, quiting, broke.
I have during all of Seybold's leadership of this city, been crying warnings about the things that are now happening. The Wall Street crash, the warning to put investments into gold have long been information I have shared with whom ever would listen. Few listened.
This city is agenda driven so let citizen be damned. I contacted a school official lately and his response was to use my protest to school policy, as a way to discredit me with my family. He may be the most unprofessional leader the Schools have ever had. The worst of the worst.
In Marion, the 45 and under leadership who head up, almost everything in this city, has made this city undesirable to live in. With each replacement of older workers, this city's quality of living goes down.
This city spends because it is convinced it is right to do so. That is the mark of the younger generation. It is immaturity. It has the "might" as elected and appointed leadership, so they think they have the "right" to please their whims.
I for one, wish we had a city and county council that would say, "no".
If we did, they would no doubt hear their cronies complain, but they would hear a cheer rising from the oppressed tax payer, who begrudgingly supports IWU, and this government's expansion and spendthrift ways, with their property taxes. IWU does not pay property tax. Neither do those who are buying homes in the new Wesleyan village.
When a religious institution takes from the poor to enrich their control and wealth they become the oppressor. You local yokels can con Marion Citizens all you want. It does not make it right. Just because Wayne says people are envious of Marion, does not make it true. Since this government will not respond to reason it is time for change. Since there are poor going without basic needs, and rich getting richer, let God arise and bring this oppressive thing down.
My Taxes have increased about 20% in the last five years. Taxes for what? It is for the spending of the City and to support the IWU Vatican.
I look at the work going on, rock piles denote future fountains at five points and Matter Park. New Street Dept. trucks, Trash Trucks and other specialty trucks to look in the sewers, and evidential clean them, underscore the problem. This city has a wanting spirit. It wants to keep up with the Wesleyan College that has everything new, and high tuition to match. (They can justify it because they have a similar tuition to Taylor)
The leaders of Marion, want people to come to Marion. I would say to anyone looking to relocate here; "Find a better direction for your life".
Jobs are the problem. We need jobs. The new equipment is just a burden on the same old tax payer that has been getting the shaft for the last five years in this city. We need more people working. More want to work. There are few jobs for them.
We don't need fountains, we need jobs for Marion people, not jobs for outside contractors. Jobs, for the citizen.
IWU has consistently used outside contractors, even for its small jobs. I have seen only one local contractor park on the campus in the last five years. I don't know if there have been others, since I get sick every time I look at the great Wesleyan Mordor which grows as cancer on the south side. I do avoid it when ever possible. We need jobs in Marion. Not replacement of local businesses. Jobs.
On the bypass, we see new food places. The yuppie generation cheers it as progress. I would rather see the home town shops going in there. Few of them were able to afford the land on the by pass. Most of them are leaving, quiting, broke.
I have during all of Seybold's leadership of this city, been crying warnings about the things that are now happening. The Wall Street crash, the warning to put investments into gold have long been information I have shared with whom ever would listen. Few listened.
This city is agenda driven so let citizen be damned. I contacted a school official lately and his response was to use my protest to school policy, as a way to discredit me with my family. He may be the most unprofessional leader the Schools have ever had. The worst of the worst.
In Marion, the 45 and under leadership who head up, almost everything in this city, has made this city undesirable to live in. With each replacement of older workers, this city's quality of living goes down.
This city spends because it is convinced it is right to do so. That is the mark of the younger generation. It is immaturity. It has the "might" as elected and appointed leadership, so they think they have the "right" to please their whims.
I for one, wish we had a city and county council that would say, "no".
If we did, they would no doubt hear their cronies complain, but they would hear a cheer rising from the oppressed tax payer, who begrudgingly supports IWU, and this government's expansion and spendthrift ways, with their property taxes. IWU does not pay property tax. Neither do those who are buying homes in the new Wesleyan village.
When a religious institution takes from the poor to enrich their control and wealth they become the oppressor. You local yokels can con Marion Citizens all you want. It does not make it right. Just because Wayne says people are envious of Marion, does not make it true. Since this government will not respond to reason it is time for change. Since there are poor going without basic needs, and rich getting richer, let God arise and bring this oppressive thing down.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
What Say Ye?
In giving, the biblical faith model, is to not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing.
What say ye Marion Government, and IWU?
What say ye Marion Government, and IWU?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
One of the demons which we battle in Marion, is the Spiritual Wickedness in high places demon. When we battle a teritorial demon, it is because it has a great place in the hearts of those who claim Christ, but do not live in submission to His word in that area of life. Therefore, that demon has a legitimate right to oppress a people, for man has given it that authority through some sin.
The Wicked empower the devil in this land.
Who is the wicked?
The proud man that persecutes the poor.
Psa 10:2 The wicked in [his] pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
When I look at government spending, and IWU, I see nothing less than a total bowing to Mammon. The opulence of the Wesleyan University can be seen far and wide. They, like those of Babel, have raised a tower to their own name.
I hear little talk of the goodness of Jesus in this land, for there are few with life here. But I hear much of the greatness of the University that sits upon a people of this county as a burden. IWU, you need to lead the way in reaching out to the poor. You have more money, and other resources than any other.
To cast down evil we must raise up an alter to Christ. Let that alter to Christ be His character arising upon this people.
No man shall glory in Jah’s presence. Neigh.. Rather, let Jesus be glorified. Amen
The Wicked empower the devil in this land.
Who is the wicked?
The proud man that persecutes the poor.
Psa 10:2 The wicked in [his] pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
When I look at government spending, and IWU, I see nothing less than a total bowing to Mammon. The opulence of the Wesleyan University can be seen far and wide. They, like those of Babel, have raised a tower to their own name.
I hear little talk of the goodness of Jesus in this land, for there are few with life here. But I hear much of the greatness of the University that sits upon a people of this county as a burden. IWU, you need to lead the way in reaching out to the poor. You have more money, and other resources than any other.
To cast down evil we must raise up an alter to Christ. Let that alter to Christ be His character arising upon this people.
No man shall glory in Jah’s presence. Neigh.. Rather, let Jesus be glorified. Amen
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We pray for this city Lord. We need more of you and less of pride. We pray you do what ever it takes to awaken this land to the evil that is so prevalent.
We pray you give us courage to stand against every evil.
We ask especially for the poor, that they might find the way in your grace to find your abundance.
We pray you give us courage to stand against every evil.
We ask especially for the poor, that they might find the way in your grace to find your abundance.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What Say Ye?
When looking at the job situation in Marion, A brewery, and a prison, might not now look so bad. What Say Ye IWU?
These two facilities could have replaced most of the lost Thompson jobs.
These two facilities could have replaced most of the lost Thompson jobs.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Do not Give in to Hate
With the vast deluge of bad law, new taxes, and government overreach, we must be aware every one of us, that this is the coming of the One World Government and is being done at Satan's impetus.
Do not be too angry at those who reject and refute you if you choose to try to stand against this New World Order attack.
Pray for they who hate you for your stand. Although it has been my experience that few ever see the things going on as a global take over, it is much better to pray, then to hate. Indeed hate is one of Satan's favorite tools.
For my part if just our local government would repent of its present direction my prayers would be answered and I'd dance in the street! If the national government would turn back to the Constitution I can't tell you the joy that would fill my soul. And talk about a new hope, I can't imagine what faith would arise in the real people of Jah if our cities, states, our nation, our colleges, and our school people, would stand for the Constitution and limited government.
Love is not weaker then hate.
Do not be too angry at those who reject and refute you if you choose to try to stand against this New World Order attack.
Pray for they who hate you for your stand. Although it has been my experience that few ever see the things going on as a global take over, it is much better to pray, then to hate. Indeed hate is one of Satan's favorite tools.
For my part if just our local government would repent of its present direction my prayers would be answered and I'd dance in the street! If the national government would turn back to the Constitution I can't tell you the joy that would fill my soul. And talk about a new hope, I can't imagine what faith would arise in the real people of Jah if our cities, states, our nation, our colleges, and our school people, would stand for the Constitution and limited government.
Love is not weaker then hate.
NU Kingdom Fellowship
As a prophet of Jah, I head up NU Kingdom Fellowship which presently meets in my home. We are not a 501C3 organization. We never intend to be involved in the corrupt IRS control of churches.
We saw in the sixties the National Council of Churches rise. It has been reported by Alex Jones as a Rockefeller organization and therefore NWO.
Satan is very present in our government, and in the churches of this hour. Many Christian Churches have entangling alliances with the government. Many of these churches have pastors who were recuted by the government and given their message.
These pastors were given a message to tell their people not to resist the government when police troops come and get them and take them to FEMA camps. (source INFOWARS)
There is a FEMA camp in Beech Grove that I have documented on my Nation News Blog.
Our Church is a Kingdom of God church. It is not headed into the collusion, that most denominational churches have entered into with the Federal Government.
With the running theft (11 Trillion)by our government through the Bail Out-TARP, Our nation is now assured a depression. The only way we can stop it is to rise up now!
I don't want my kids to be slaves to this NWO!
I don't want your kids to be slaves of the NWO either.
I pray every day for them, and I also pray that my father who is nearing the end of life will not live to see the total release of the Police State take over that is only a few years away unless we
are willing to die in protest of our government.
Every little theft of freedom is a door for the next. Our freedoms are slipping away. They are, law by law, ordinance by ordinance, falling into a pit that is bottomless. It might be through a thing as seemingly benign as School Uniforms, backed by educators who see the good, in taking away the, Rich/Poor influence from the social structure of the school. It of course also breaks the issue of exposure that is so prevalent in teens. But I see it as the very thing that Nazi Germany did to the generation that would grow into the soldier that would be the NAZI army. It offends men who don't see this when you state this fact. It is still fact.
If you are an individual who sees this blog and identifies with what is here said, I invite you to give me a call, at 765-664-6318 and I will tell you how you might be involved in our pro freedom fellowship called, NU Kingdom Fellowship.
Some of my teaching can be found at these Blogs:
For my stand on National Issues this blog is available:
We saw in the sixties the National Council of Churches rise. It has been reported by Alex Jones as a Rockefeller organization and therefore NWO.
Satan is very present in our government, and in the churches of this hour. Many Christian Churches have entangling alliances with the government. Many of these churches have pastors who were recuted by the government and given their message.
These pastors were given a message to tell their people not to resist the government when police troops come and get them and take them to FEMA camps. (source INFOWARS)
There is a FEMA camp in Beech Grove that I have documented on my Nation News Blog.
Our Church is a Kingdom of God church. It is not headed into the collusion, that most denominational churches have entered into with the Federal Government.
With the running theft (11 Trillion)by our government through the Bail Out-TARP, Our nation is now assured a depression. The only way we can stop it is to rise up now!
I don't want my kids to be slaves to this NWO!
I don't want your kids to be slaves of the NWO either.
I pray every day for them, and I also pray that my father who is nearing the end of life will not live to see the total release of the Police State take over that is only a few years away unless we
are willing to die in protest of our government.
Every little theft of freedom is a door for the next. Our freedoms are slipping away. They are, law by law, ordinance by ordinance, falling into a pit that is bottomless. It might be through a thing as seemingly benign as School Uniforms, backed by educators who see the good, in taking away the, Rich/Poor influence from the social structure of the school. It of course also breaks the issue of exposure that is so prevalent in teens. But I see it as the very thing that Nazi Germany did to the generation that would grow into the soldier that would be the NAZI army. It offends men who don't see this when you state this fact. It is still fact.
If you are an individual who sees this blog and identifies with what is here said, I invite you to give me a call, at 765-664-6318 and I will tell you how you might be involved in our pro freedom fellowship called, NU Kingdom Fellowship.
Some of my teaching can be found at these Blogs:
For my stand on National Issues this blog is available:
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Pledge-My Call-My Mother and Brother. What Say Ye?
I have often said things which are not on the surface, kind. I must.
I have gotten attention for my view points by that tactic. Before that, none listened. Jesus did that. He called some "Vipers and whitewashed sepulchers." I have a great teacher!
Let this message break the lies of religion!
I am thankful this day, that in this Nation I can still dissent. If things don't change that will not long be true. My opinions are my own. Yet I have the Spirit of God. No one need to be embarrassed that I have a mind and think thoughts different then the present government. I hope no one would hold any in my family in disdain for my opinions. God is more than willing to stand with me.
I am not close with any in my earthly family anyway. I love the Holy Ghost and don't see much of that in the family I was raised in. The last five years of underemployment for me, has galvanized this. Some family members judge this and disdain me. I have lost respect for them in that. I look to my family for nothing. I have found there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is my employment, when I have no man to hire me. He is everything to me. He is all I want, and have little other hope in this world. He is so good, the old religious form of Christianity that I grew up with, almost seems anti-Christ.
This blog is my opinion. It is my belief about local and state issues. My mother and brother are they who do Jah's will. But even in my spiritual family I ask no one to stand with me, in my opinion. Only those who believe my word need be with me.
I hate no one in the government. I hate lies. I do not lie, concerning the things I print here. I am accused of lie by earthly brothers and sister. I refute their accusations. If I am miss-informed and that is proven beyond a doubt with fact, I will not only apologize to any I offend right here on this blog, I will hand deliver a letter of apology to the hurt party if possible if they be local.
I do not wish to cause people grief. But if a bad policy is enacted and I do not say anything, I will give answer to God. I do not fear man, but I fear God. Jesus is really all I have. He is faithful and more than enough. Why would I care if any honor me if Jah's Spirit rises up in me and I prophesy?
In the early seventies abortion was made the law of the land. I think abortion is evil. I think that, because I think it wrong to murder, according to the Ten Commandments:
"Thou shall not Murder", would be a proper understanding of "Thou shalt not kill." (Ex. 20)
I was twenty years old and just out making a living when this law was passed. (Roe vs. Wade) If I had been aware of what was going on, I could have said so then. But now over thirty-five years later, everything I say against abortion seems to do little good. Once a law is a law it tends to perpetuate itself. I have spoken faithfully for life since 1975. In 1978 my conviction was galvanized when I studied abortion and its effects.
Since abortion became law, our society, our government has grown exponentially in corruption.
In Marion I think most who work in local government are sincerely trying to help this city. I think our Mayor wants to help Marion.
His methods for doing that however are not something I agree with. I have cried when many legislations and changes were made by our local government. Our government needs the baptism of the Spirit and Deliverance!
There is only a handful of people in the world, that I have prayed more for then our Mayor.
Being in charge of anything is tough in this day. We are truly in a cultural war. I am always against any increase in taxes, and spending. I am always against anything done without full disclosure of every detail. The citizen has a right to know.
I am neither Democrat or Republican these days. Junior Bush gave me all the reason I needed to be an independent politically. The bible says pray for those in authority and I do.
I have been told I embarrass some in my family, and some of my few friends, and that I believe many lies. Your embarrassment my friend, is your own pride being rebuked by God. I am not responsible for the opinions of others, and they are not responsible for mine. We all give account to Jah.
I give witness to what I think right here on this blog. There are some who are thought police who say, I have no right to even think the things I think. Hum?
To all my family, and Friends: As you have felt no responsibility to come to me in my time of apparent underemployment in these last five years, be free from responsibility for any of my opinions.
Again, since 1978 I truly have a new family and friends anyway.
My mother and brother are they which do Jah's will. My name is Garry-ben-Jesus. Garry Vermilion died, on Oct. 31 of 1978. I have no other family then the kingdom of God-blood bought.
I hold no one in my blood bought family responsible for my opinions. I ask no one in my birth family to be responsible for my opinions. I stand before God. I speak with Him everyday. His Spirit has baptised me, and I speak with a new tongue. I hold no one who has not had this experience in contempt. Yet, the Holy Spirit's baptism is every thing to me, in this hour. I pray in unknown languages..that unknown to the majority anyway. When I speak what might sound like gibberish to some, I gain Holy Ghost power.
The Spirit of Jah is Truth. Anyone who has His fullness is able to speak in other tongues. The bible calls this experience, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Any church who will not allow this is in error, and may even be an unbiblical group. All gatherings have error. There are no perfect Churches. But anyone who limits prophetic utterance and speaking in unknown tongues, has not yielded fully to Jah.
My pledge is also to speak in tongues more today then I ever have in the past. My pledge is to circle religious institutions and pray in tongues. My pledge is to circle the court house, the city building and the county building, and pray in tongues. My pledges also is to cast demons out of all who would be willing to repent unto this kingdom message I speak.
When you oppose me, I just look on you as one who needs Jesus. If you have a relationship with Jesus, I just look at you as one who needs this Holy Ghost baptism. However, I have been wrong at times.
It is called walking in the flesh. If I have, done that, I go to my Jesus, and He forgives my sin.
Thank God for His Goodness! Thank God for other tongues! Thank God for the Holy Spirit's baptism.
I have held a worship, word and prayer meeting in my house, for the last nearly six years now. If you have a demon that needs cast out
get in touch with me and we will cast that thing out and get you baptised or refilled or what ever you need!
Paul said he spake in tongues more then anyone else. He is my kind of Apostle! Let God be true and all men liars!. Let God arise let
His enemies, the fleshly, be scattered.
Many anti-Christs are among us. But none have authority over us.
No political man has authority over my Holy Ghost! No church man can stop this well that springs up in me!
In all things I am more than a conqueror!
This Holy Spirit's baptism and the casting out of demons is the real issue of this day...And all know, that I am not afraid to speak to the issue.
I have been asked, "am I in church?" If you mean the building on the corner somewhere, I can answer sometimes I meet there, with other believers. My church of that kind is most often however in my home, and we meet Sunday Morning at ten. We sing in tongues and praise Jehovah at that time.
Anyone who wants to get a demon cast out can give me a call and we will meet with you and do that. Don't be ashamed if you have a demon afflicting, oppressing, or possessing you. The answer is the same for all! We cast that thing out and the kingdom of God is established in the Holy Spirit that fills where that thing vacates.
For any one who has an important position I make this statement. Don't worry about people thinking bad of you. If you have a demon
get rid of the thing, be it in you or on you! I believe that about ninety percent of church members need some form of deliverance.
I believe about eighty percent of church members are not even saved.
My pledge is one I heard Jesus say. If you come to me, I will in no wise cast you out. No, we will cast out the demon that plagues you!
Then you may be baptised in the Spirit. You can come with me, and circle the courthouse, and religious institutions, and speak in other tongues!
This deliverance is available to the political leaders of this town who are plagued with demonic spirits control. The deliverance is available to pastors, TV preachers, liars, religious men, church men, drunks, drug attics, and whores! Educators, Counsellors, and High School Principals can benefit from this! This will work for Sellsmen, and Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, and is especially good for backsliding churchmen!
If you have an addiction to sex, cigarettes, booze, or legal drugs, this deliverance will set you free from them.
This will work for the City Council, the County Council, and any mayor, governor, president or executive. This will work for bank tellers, women abused by drunken husbands who once knew God, and for Wall Mart, IWU people-in the religion class and in the religion teacher, and in the presidents office, and in the janitors restroom, and for Marion General Hospital employees! This will work for Christian Doctors, and Christian nurses!. This will work for the Sheriff, the Police Chief and the radio announcer. This will work at the distribution center, the Water works, and in the counselling offices at Marion High, Jr. High, and across the world! This will work for demonized Wesleyans, Baptists, Charismatics, and Catholics.
This works as well for Pentecostals as it does for heathen. This works for YFC workers, Campus Life Bible study leaders and for rock muscians. My call is to preach the kingdom! The result is that men believe, and demons are cast out, and men are baptised in the Holy Ghost and speak with New Tongues! My call is to restore worship in this land.
My pledge is to honor my Call.
I would love to see the City Council and the County Council, and the Mayor's day open with fifteen minutes of praying in other tongues! I would love to hear Dick Lugar break out in other tongues on Fox News! Or how about Hanity! Man could we all benefit from that!
I would love to go to a School to talk over concerns and not hear a religious judgment, like "you are crazy", or "go to church", but rather hear anointed other tongues coming from the staff! I'd love to hear Oprah stop lying and break out in tongues! Bill Clinton, and George, and Barak would benefit millions if they would have this salvation and this baptism! Offended Wives, Like Mrs. Edwards could use this experience.
Being baptised into the body, is salvation!. Being baptised in the Spirit is Power!
When the Spirit casts out demons, the kingdom comes! Not a kingdom like the Wesleyan kingdom that sits on the South Side of town, and not the kingdoms of Mammon, and Baal. But a city whose builder and maker is Jah!
My citizenship is in that kingdom. It is a kingdom where men speak the glorious unknown languages of heaven! If you are in that kingdom, you are my brother! If you eat of heavenly bread you are my mother!
I never wish to be known for being controversial. I wish to be known as Garry-ben-Jesus, tongue talking, worship loving, son of Jah! I wish to remain a man who is disdained by the kings of this world, so that I might please the king of the kingdom! For ony those of the Spirit know the deep things of Jah. The words of this prophet are oracles of Jah. If His words offend you, try repentance, it always works for me!
I am not offended by any betrayal, nor am I looking for anyone to say "you are right". God has said, I am in His life, and I am life, and that is all I need! I have His mind, and am possessed of the Spirit of life! I don't need to go to a building to sing dead dirges to gain man praise. God's praise is all I need.
I have found Jah is more present in some, "so called secular music", then He is in the tradition church music. God will often come to bars of America quicker then he will the pulpit. God will often come to the hospital before he shows in the Sunday School.
And this Jesus, the Jesuha, this Ruach, wants to possess YOU Fully!
All who have the baptism of the Spirit have a basic connections that is not found with a mixed group. Without the spirit of Jah, we are none of His. I have the best family in the World!
What say Ye!
I have gotten attention for my view points by that tactic. Before that, none listened. Jesus did that. He called some "Vipers and whitewashed sepulchers." I have a great teacher!
Let this message break the lies of religion!
I am thankful this day, that in this Nation I can still dissent. If things don't change that will not long be true. My opinions are my own. Yet I have the Spirit of God. No one need to be embarrassed that I have a mind and think thoughts different then the present government. I hope no one would hold any in my family in disdain for my opinions. God is more than willing to stand with me.
I am not close with any in my earthly family anyway. I love the Holy Ghost and don't see much of that in the family I was raised in. The last five years of underemployment for me, has galvanized this. Some family members judge this and disdain me. I have lost respect for them in that. I look to my family for nothing. I have found there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is my employment, when I have no man to hire me. He is everything to me. He is all I want, and have little other hope in this world. He is so good, the old religious form of Christianity that I grew up with, almost seems anti-Christ.
This blog is my opinion. It is my belief about local and state issues. My mother and brother are they who do Jah's will. But even in my spiritual family I ask no one to stand with me, in my opinion. Only those who believe my word need be with me.
I hate no one in the government. I hate lies. I do not lie, concerning the things I print here. I am accused of lie by earthly brothers and sister. I refute their accusations. If I am miss-informed and that is proven beyond a doubt with fact, I will not only apologize to any I offend right here on this blog, I will hand deliver a letter of apology to the hurt party if possible if they be local.
I do not wish to cause people grief. But if a bad policy is enacted and I do not say anything, I will give answer to God. I do not fear man, but I fear God. Jesus is really all I have. He is faithful and more than enough. Why would I care if any honor me if Jah's Spirit rises up in me and I prophesy?
In the early seventies abortion was made the law of the land. I think abortion is evil. I think that, because I think it wrong to murder, according to the Ten Commandments:
"Thou shall not Murder", would be a proper understanding of "Thou shalt not kill." (Ex. 20)
I was twenty years old and just out making a living when this law was passed. (Roe vs. Wade) If I had been aware of what was going on, I could have said so then. But now over thirty-five years later, everything I say against abortion seems to do little good. Once a law is a law it tends to perpetuate itself. I have spoken faithfully for life since 1975. In 1978 my conviction was galvanized when I studied abortion and its effects.
Since abortion became law, our society, our government has grown exponentially in corruption.
In Marion I think most who work in local government are sincerely trying to help this city. I think our Mayor wants to help Marion.
His methods for doing that however are not something I agree with. I have cried when many legislations and changes were made by our local government. Our government needs the baptism of the Spirit and Deliverance!
There is only a handful of people in the world, that I have prayed more for then our Mayor.
Being in charge of anything is tough in this day. We are truly in a cultural war. I am always against any increase in taxes, and spending. I am always against anything done without full disclosure of every detail. The citizen has a right to know.
I am neither Democrat or Republican these days. Junior Bush gave me all the reason I needed to be an independent politically. The bible says pray for those in authority and I do.
I have been told I embarrass some in my family, and some of my few friends, and that I believe many lies. Your embarrassment my friend, is your own pride being rebuked by God. I am not responsible for the opinions of others, and they are not responsible for mine. We all give account to Jah.
I give witness to what I think right here on this blog. There are some who are thought police who say, I have no right to even think the things I think. Hum?
To all my family, and Friends: As you have felt no responsibility to come to me in my time of apparent underemployment in these last five years, be free from responsibility for any of my opinions.
Again, since 1978 I truly have a new family and friends anyway.
My mother and brother are they which do Jah's will. My name is Garry-ben-Jesus. Garry Vermilion died, on Oct. 31 of 1978. I have no other family then the kingdom of God-blood bought.
I hold no one in my blood bought family responsible for my opinions. I ask no one in my birth family to be responsible for my opinions. I stand before God. I speak with Him everyday. His Spirit has baptised me, and I speak with a new tongue. I hold no one who has not had this experience in contempt. Yet, the Holy Spirit's baptism is every thing to me, in this hour. I pray in unknown languages..that unknown to the majority anyway. When I speak what might sound like gibberish to some, I gain Holy Ghost power.
The Spirit of Jah is Truth. Anyone who has His fullness is able to speak in other tongues. The bible calls this experience, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Any church who will not allow this is in error, and may even be an unbiblical group. All gatherings have error. There are no perfect Churches. But anyone who limits prophetic utterance and speaking in unknown tongues, has not yielded fully to Jah.
My pledge is also to speak in tongues more today then I ever have in the past. My pledge is to circle religious institutions and pray in tongues. My pledge is to circle the court house, the city building and the county building, and pray in tongues. My pledges also is to cast demons out of all who would be willing to repent unto this kingdom message I speak.
When you oppose me, I just look on you as one who needs Jesus. If you have a relationship with Jesus, I just look at you as one who needs this Holy Ghost baptism. However, I have been wrong at times.
It is called walking in the flesh. If I have, done that, I go to my Jesus, and He forgives my sin.
Thank God for His Goodness! Thank God for other tongues! Thank God for the Holy Spirit's baptism.
I have held a worship, word and prayer meeting in my house, for the last nearly six years now. If you have a demon that needs cast out
get in touch with me and we will cast that thing out and get you baptised or refilled or what ever you need!
Paul said he spake in tongues more then anyone else. He is my kind of Apostle! Let God be true and all men liars!. Let God arise let
His enemies, the fleshly, be scattered.
Many anti-Christs are among us. But none have authority over us.
No political man has authority over my Holy Ghost! No church man can stop this well that springs up in me!
In all things I am more than a conqueror!
This Holy Spirit's baptism and the casting out of demons is the real issue of this day...And all know, that I am not afraid to speak to the issue.
I have been asked, "am I in church?" If you mean the building on the corner somewhere, I can answer sometimes I meet there, with other believers. My church of that kind is most often however in my home, and we meet Sunday Morning at ten. We sing in tongues and praise Jehovah at that time.
Anyone who wants to get a demon cast out can give me a call and we will meet with you and do that. Don't be ashamed if you have a demon afflicting, oppressing, or possessing you. The answer is the same for all! We cast that thing out and the kingdom of God is established in the Holy Spirit that fills where that thing vacates.
For any one who has an important position I make this statement. Don't worry about people thinking bad of you. If you have a demon
get rid of the thing, be it in you or on you! I believe that about ninety percent of church members need some form of deliverance.
I believe about eighty percent of church members are not even saved.
My pledge is one I heard Jesus say. If you come to me, I will in no wise cast you out. No, we will cast out the demon that plagues you!
Then you may be baptised in the Spirit. You can come with me, and circle the courthouse, and religious institutions, and speak in other tongues!
This deliverance is available to the political leaders of this town who are plagued with demonic spirits control. The deliverance is available to pastors, TV preachers, liars, religious men, church men, drunks, drug attics, and whores! Educators, Counsellors, and High School Principals can benefit from this! This will work for Sellsmen, and Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, and is especially good for backsliding churchmen!
If you have an addiction to sex, cigarettes, booze, or legal drugs, this deliverance will set you free from them.
This will work for the City Council, the County Council, and any mayor, governor, president or executive. This will work for bank tellers, women abused by drunken husbands who once knew God, and for Wall Mart, IWU people-in the religion class and in the religion teacher, and in the presidents office, and in the janitors restroom, and for Marion General Hospital employees! This will work for Christian Doctors, and Christian nurses!. This will work for the Sheriff, the Police Chief and the radio announcer. This will work at the distribution center, the Water works, and in the counselling offices at Marion High, Jr. High, and across the world! This will work for demonized Wesleyans, Baptists, Charismatics, and Catholics.
This works as well for Pentecostals as it does for heathen. This works for YFC workers, Campus Life Bible study leaders and for rock muscians. My call is to preach the kingdom! The result is that men believe, and demons are cast out, and men are baptised in the Holy Ghost and speak with New Tongues! My call is to restore worship in this land.
My pledge is to honor my Call.
I would love to see the City Council and the County Council, and the Mayor's day open with fifteen minutes of praying in other tongues! I would love to hear Dick Lugar break out in other tongues on Fox News! Or how about Hanity! Man could we all benefit from that!
I would love to go to a School to talk over concerns and not hear a religious judgment, like "you are crazy", or "go to church", but rather hear anointed other tongues coming from the staff! I'd love to hear Oprah stop lying and break out in tongues! Bill Clinton, and George, and Barak would benefit millions if they would have this salvation and this baptism! Offended Wives, Like Mrs. Edwards could use this experience.
Being baptised into the body, is salvation!. Being baptised in the Spirit is Power!
When the Spirit casts out demons, the kingdom comes! Not a kingdom like the Wesleyan kingdom that sits on the South Side of town, and not the kingdoms of Mammon, and Baal. But a city whose builder and maker is Jah!
My citizenship is in that kingdom. It is a kingdom where men speak the glorious unknown languages of heaven! If you are in that kingdom, you are my brother! If you eat of heavenly bread you are my mother!
I never wish to be known for being controversial. I wish to be known as Garry-ben-Jesus, tongue talking, worship loving, son of Jah! I wish to remain a man who is disdained by the kings of this world, so that I might please the king of the kingdom! For ony those of the Spirit know the deep things of Jah. The words of this prophet are oracles of Jah. If His words offend you, try repentance, it always works for me!
I am not offended by any betrayal, nor am I looking for anyone to say "you are right". God has said, I am in His life, and I am life, and that is all I need! I have His mind, and am possessed of the Spirit of life! I don't need to go to a building to sing dead dirges to gain man praise. God's praise is all I need.
I have found Jah is more present in some, "so called secular music", then He is in the tradition church music. God will often come to bars of America quicker then he will the pulpit. God will often come to the hospital before he shows in the Sunday School.
And this Jesus, the Jesuha, this Ruach, wants to possess YOU Fully!
All who have the baptism of the Spirit have a basic connections that is not found with a mixed group. Without the spirit of Jah, we are none of His. I have the best family in the World!
What say Ye!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Right to Dissent
There are some who tell me my adamant resistance to School Uniforms is wrong. I say, "they are wrong". We disagree. In this nation, I will exercise my right to protest, and free speech, until they put me in Jail for it.
There are some who disagree with my assessment of IWU being an overlord of this community. I say, look at what the city is giving them. However you can believe what you want.
When I call IWU ORCs, (I have only applied that to the visionaries, not students and Profs, except they be "in" the Take Over) it is to awaken them to the fact that one who has preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, disagrees with their earthly kingdom. They are running across this county with a passion to take all. For whom? What are you doing to the City, when you garner special favors for yourself? Who suffers? God help us poor hobbits!
I never hear much about Jesus from IWU. I hear all about their plan, their progress.
Would you really want to take away my right to disagree? Are you offended that I don't think like you, or is it that I have an opinion? Does it bother some that I think expansion is not necessarily the same as a "living thing" growing? Does it bother some when I see one of my own bible instructors, running around the city with an arrogant look, saying "look at IWU now",? In that I am heartsick.
Does it bother you that I am angry about the Schools decision to instill the same methods that Nazi Germany used by making School kids wear standardized uniforms? I didn't call them Nazi. I said it is a trap.. an evil trap. Don't do it!
What if this crazed lunatic is right? One thing I am sure of, there is precious little time to dissent. The FISA wiretap, The John Warner Defense Act, and the Patriot Act have all but stolen all our
freedom in America.
If they put me in Jail, So be it.
It is for freedom that Jah has set me free!
In all it is for love that I speak. Do you think I like being hated?
No I say, "Come to Jesus". He is Love, but love is not passive acceptance of wrong. Love does not pass out bouquets to a wrong direction.
Father Loves us. Even when we are wrong.
There are some who disagree with my assessment of IWU being an overlord of this community. I say, look at what the city is giving them. However you can believe what you want.
When I call IWU ORCs, (I have only applied that to the visionaries, not students and Profs, except they be "in" the Take Over) it is to awaken them to the fact that one who has preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, disagrees with their earthly kingdom. They are running across this county with a passion to take all. For whom? What are you doing to the City, when you garner special favors for yourself? Who suffers? God help us poor hobbits!
I never hear much about Jesus from IWU. I hear all about their plan, their progress.
Would you really want to take away my right to disagree? Are you offended that I don't think like you, or is it that I have an opinion? Does it bother some that I think expansion is not necessarily the same as a "living thing" growing? Does it bother some when I see one of my own bible instructors, running around the city with an arrogant look, saying "look at IWU now",? In that I am heartsick.
Does it bother you that I am angry about the Schools decision to instill the same methods that Nazi Germany used by making School kids wear standardized uniforms? I didn't call them Nazi. I said it is a trap.. an evil trap. Don't do it!
What if this crazed lunatic is right? One thing I am sure of, there is precious little time to dissent. The FISA wiretap, The John Warner Defense Act, and the Patriot Act have all but stolen all our
freedom in America.
If they put me in Jail, So be it.
It is for freedom that Jah has set me free!
In all it is for love that I speak. Do you think I like being hated?
No I say, "Come to Jesus". He is Love, but love is not passive acceptance of wrong. Love does not pass out bouquets to a wrong direction.
Father Loves us. Even when we are wrong.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lacharreada goes ORC
Lacharreada restaurant has offered a 10% discount to all IWU and Marion General Hospital employees. This is evil, but it underscores the evil that Wayne Seybold has promoted in this city.
This is Neo-Facism, rule by the elite for the elite purpose.
Meanwhile, the poor get poorer without jobs and burdened by the trash tax and soon the LOIT.
The IWU Orcs are advancing with their agenda to dominate the city with religious rules, which are not even close to biblical.
This is Neo-Facism, rule by the elite for the elite purpose.
Meanwhile, the poor get poorer without jobs and burdened by the trash tax and soon the LOIT.
The IWU Orcs are advancing with their agenda to dominate the city with religious rules, which are not even close to biblical.
Most Terrifying Words
'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'-Ronald Reagan
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The threat to close fire stations, is the use of illegitimate authority. God never blesses men who use threats to get their way.
This is the worst government I have ever seen.
The city uses our money, to do all kinds of things. They buy new trucks, and new everything. We can build a trophy Y, but we can't keep fire stations open.
The city uses police state tactics to extort monies out of the poor, to pay for the arrogant use of public monies. Fear mongering is not God.
A LOIT indeed. Stop over spending!
Impeach Wayne Seybold, the County Council, and the City Council.
This is the worst government I have ever seen.
The city uses our money, to do all kinds of things. They buy new trucks, and new everything. We can build a trophy Y, but we can't keep fire stations open.
The city uses police state tactics to extort monies out of the poor, to pay for the arrogant use of public monies. Fear mongering is not God.
A LOIT indeed. Stop over spending!
Impeach Wayne Seybold, the County Council, and the City Council.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
More Government Failure
I attended the LOIT meeting tonight. Mr. Mcwert, was very adamant that Marion was running on less then other cities. Well Marion may have less people working then others do too.
The Grant Co. Council will pass the LOIT, no doubt. They believe that the citizen needs to "pay for it", since the budget shows it will short fall in 2010. They blame the state for cutting taxes.
The idea of cutting taxes is that the citizen pays less, not that a different group applies the tax.
This city is full of pride and unwilling to deal with the fact that the nation is falling into depression. Living on less, is the answer, not raising taxes.
While I was there at the meeting, ten people spoke against the LOIT, and one person spoke for it. The LOIT, as the Trash Tax, is extortion by the elite. Over one hundred were there, and most apposed the tax.
Many of the citizens said:"Cut services and cut taxes." To that I say "amen".
Don't be surprised when they pass the LOIT. It is pretty much a done deal. I will personally vote against any one of these self-absorbed council men who vote to pass it, if given a chance to. The nation has fallen into the "entitlement lie". That means everyone feels they are entitled to something from the government. The Council seems to operate under the same lie. Fact is Marion is not frugal. It overpays its employees, and it over spends on New Equipment.
The lie that the citizen needs someone in government to do everything for them has created the nanny state. Nanny's are expensive.
I say it is time to let the people be free. Offer less police protection, and give us back our guns. We can not afford the present bloated government. They should, pick up trash without fee. You should, do your jobs without fanfare. Serve the people!
I will however say one good thing about the council members. They were not for the most part, rude and condescending like the mayor.
The Grant Co. Council will pass the LOIT, no doubt. They believe that the citizen needs to "pay for it", since the budget shows it will short fall in 2010. They blame the state for cutting taxes.
The idea of cutting taxes is that the citizen pays less, not that a different group applies the tax.
This city is full of pride and unwilling to deal with the fact that the nation is falling into depression. Living on less, is the answer, not raising taxes.
While I was there at the meeting, ten people spoke against the LOIT, and one person spoke for it. The LOIT, as the Trash Tax, is extortion by the elite. Over one hundred were there, and most apposed the tax.
Many of the citizens said:"Cut services and cut taxes." To that I say "amen".
Don't be surprised when they pass the LOIT. It is pretty much a done deal. I will personally vote against any one of these self-absorbed council men who vote to pass it, if given a chance to. The nation has fallen into the "entitlement lie". That means everyone feels they are entitled to something from the government. The Council seems to operate under the same lie. Fact is Marion is not frugal. It overpays its employees, and it over spends on New Equipment.
The lie that the citizen needs someone in government to do everything for them has created the nanny state. Nanny's are expensive.
I say it is time to let the people be free. Offer less police protection, and give us back our guns. We can not afford the present bloated government. They should, pick up trash without fee. You should, do your jobs without fanfare. Serve the people!
I will however say one good thing about the council members. They were not for the most part, rude and condescending like the mayor.
Since the passing of Glen Martin a few years back, IWU has become a true NON-Prophet organization.
What Say Ye?
According to our figures the Marion budget has grown by 30% under Wayned Seybold and IUW leadership.
It then becomes clear why we need a trash tax and a LOIT.
What say ye City Government? You can't blame this last five years on the former Mayor now, so what do you Say?
I say you are tax and spend yuppies who operate out of a spirit of pride, greed, and want, and not Wisdom.
The city is in much fear. Our leaders try to cover it over with phony press releases, and misdirection. This city is in a bad place. We are not only broken but our leaders sell a delusion that we are healed.
We are led by boy teachers (Isa 3) who never heal the problem. We need a return to the God of the bible, but the enemy has so emboldened IWU and their religion, that real spiritual revival is cast aside as a need, and Psychological lies are held in its place.
God break the evil of this city! Restore the Godly to rule in this land!
What God says, that is truth. Let Jah be true and all men liars.
It then becomes clear why we need a trash tax and a LOIT.
What say ye City Government? You can't blame this last five years on the former Mayor now, so what do you Say?
I say you are tax and spend yuppies who operate out of a spirit of pride, greed, and want, and not Wisdom.
The city is in much fear. Our leaders try to cover it over with phony press releases, and misdirection. This city is in a bad place. We are not only broken but our leaders sell a delusion that we are healed.
We are led by boy teachers (Isa 3) who never heal the problem. We need a return to the God of the bible, but the enemy has so emboldened IWU and their religion, that real spiritual revival is cast aside as a need, and Psychological lies are held in its place.
God break the evil of this city! Restore the Godly to rule in this land!
What God says, that is truth. Let Jah be true and all men liars.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Concerning LOIT and Pay raises. I've got a better idea. Cut every city employee's wages by ten percent. Don’t pass a new tax. Cut taxes by 10 percent.
Fire any employee who complains about their pay. Hire one of the thousands of unemployed in the city who would be glad to have the job at the old pay level.
According to the proposal for the pay of city employees, just the first page contains over $25,000 worth of raises. This Document is 18 pages long. This IWU/Seybold Government is total rule by the elite for the elite. These salary increases are unmerited in a depressed economy. This government is totally out of touch with reality.
God help Marion.
Fire any employee who complains about their pay. Hire one of the thousands of unemployed in the city who would be glad to have the job at the old pay level.
According to the proposal for the pay of city employees, just the first page contains over $25,000 worth of raises. This Document is 18 pages long. This IWU/Seybold Government is total rule by the elite for the elite. These salary increases are unmerited in a depressed economy. This government is totally out of touch with reality.
God help Marion.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Police State Alert
The Neo-fascist Marion Police made locker raids today at Marion High School.
They found nothing in my kids lockers, but they left it a mess.
I will share more when I get more.
They found nothing in my kids lockers, but they left it a mess.
I will share more when I get more.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
For Leadership
Lord we pray for the leadership of this city. We pray for their repentance unto Your kingdom.
Lord we ask for an overturn of ordinances of bondage and police state
tendencies and plans.
Lord we ask that wisdom come to the leaders in this city.
Help this city Lord.
Lord remove evil from this city we proclaim.
Lord we ask for an overturn of ordinances of bondage and police state
tendencies and plans.
Lord we ask that wisdom come to the leaders in this city.
Help this city Lord.
Lord remove evil from this city we proclaim.
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