Marion continues its... advancement:
Announcing Mobile Towers West!
This is the new High Rise Apartment complex, for the poor and unemployed in Marion. The funds were raised for this project through begging by formerly employed citizens at local convenience stores. You will notice this is the Christmas Picture of the complex. This begging was necessitated, because they were temporarily short of funds due to mismanagement of their unemployment benefits that ended last year, and they could therefore not afford the five dollar fee for "Christmas in the Park."
(note the Iron Cross in the top Left corner donated by a humanitarian couple who said: "We feel your pain". Christmas brings the best out of people!)
Isn't it great to know, that Marion has no economic problem as even their wasteful poor get to live in newly built high rise units? Of course this high rise will never reach full occupancy since Marion has no unemployed.
Let's keep it going Marion!
OK, what am I saying? I put this forth as the very kind of foolishness, our local government, and news paper propagate. They tell everything with Wayne colored glasses. They offer crap or nothing to the poor, and expect applause, and they would take credit for anything the poor peoples could come up with to lessen their own oppression.
News Flash:
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The Mobile Towers neighborhood association, plans to have a Christmas party around New Years. They will walk around rich neighborhoods after Christmas and secure a couple of discarded trees to use for decoration for the celebration. Also exact location of Mobile Towers is hard to know as the dwellings are moved often, in an effort to avoid any new special tax that the City Council would levee against it.
The MT neighborhood association has asked for Burn Barrels for the party and wrapping tubes and paper so that they will have heat for their party. Seems the burn barrels disappeared strangely from Matter Park after a recent City Council Meeting.
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