Monday, April 26, 2010

Repent Unto the Kingdom

As I read the local propaganda news rag, it becomes clearer, what the whole driving force in Marion is. It is the love of money, and it is the root of all evil in this city, and in every other city in this world.

The love of money, has taken the Local Church, the Wesleyan University, the Public Schools, and most Private Schools, and is constantly heralded by this mayor's oppressive government.

Holiness is a God thing. Lies are of the devil, as he is their father.

To help the poor is a Godly thing. To oppress, the poor is satanic. Mammon is the other god. He is the demon that most influences all activity in Marion. He is resident present in the Mayor's office, the City Council, the County Council, at IWU, GM, and especially at Wally world.

The simple answer for all of Marion's woes, and they are many, no matter what the propaganda rag claims, is this:

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

In the day of the old time revivalist preachers, preaching men would scream to the crowds the word, "Repent!"

It is still a good word for today...for all of us. It means to forsake autonomous ruler ship of our lives, and confess, Jesus as Lord... and to obey Him.

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