Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hit movie is being seen all over Indiana

Evan Bayh and Dick Lugar are starring in an epic production being shown all over Indiana.

It is called: Sell out Indiana and the Country to the Globalist

The movie depicts unemployment lines, food shortage lines, people freezing to death in the winter, factories closing, empty abandoned houses, record repossession of property, people being lost in pot holes, and other troubling scenes.

These two men who play villains in the movie, seem to have only bit parts but parts that make the whole movie possible. They are constantly shown writing letters to their constituents telling them, “Everything is just fine…and blaming each others respective parties for the problems.

Their solution to the problems seem to be centered around sending more jobs overseas.

Lugar sings a feel good song entitled: “Give America away, while there’s still globalist money to gain for me.”

Bayh only has one line which he mutters with glazed over eyes the whole movie:

Obaaaama… Obaaaama….(done in his best sheep bahhh)

A copy of this sent to the two Senators....

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