Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Burning Bush: Liar Liar Pants on FIre

I've heard the latest local propaganda about not very many being unemployed and at least 85% of the country working. Well 85% is not enough. If 5% don't want work that still leaves 10% that can't feed their families. (this 85% figure was from a close Seybold associate)

The truth is there is 20% real unemployment, counting the 13% the informed own up to locally, and the 7% they don't count cause they are not on Job One unemployment relief. If you take away a generous 5% who do not want jobs, that is still 15%.

If you'd add under employment, those that once had living wage jobs but now work for minimum wage, even an idiot would understand the country is in trouble.

It gets me that they keep saying there is no real problem while we see a very willing Globalist controlled Congress giving away the national economy to a sink hole called, banker bailouts.

It does no good to quote national figures for Marion, they do not apply. But in a few months they will tell the truth nationally about unemployment, so that they can institute more police control over the unrest in the nation. Of course this will be done in the guise of being for our protection.

This city is led by liars. Good people believe their lies. Liars have the lake of fire to look forward to. The national government is sold out to globalist bankers. They are all liars and it may not be much solace but they will burn forever in fire.

This all gives new meaning to the phrase the Burning Bush! On the local scene I think every Elected official needs to be warned if they lie to the people, and if there is a fiery hell and a God, then He has reserved a spot for them in Hell.

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