Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anything but the Truth

I appreciate the CT article on the business (Wright’s Repairs) in Gas City that is booming. I thank God for his mercy drops to this depressed community. However I think anyone with a brain would understand, the headline, “Business Booming at Wright’s”, was just a lame attempt to make people think things are getting better.

This “lie”, of some kind of recovery is being propagated by Seybold, the great god-IWU, and the City and County Councils.

I do wish there were some good news to tell the city. Resorting to lie is not the answer. I guess they see the glass half full. Half the people, who need jobs, might get one. I see the glass has hole in it called NAFTA, GATT, and the NWO. Half those seeking, getting jobs, won’t make up for the new jobless in the workforce.

I see nothing at this time that would promise a better tomorrow in this city and the same is true for much of Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. The mid-west, and a few other regions and states are sliding into depression. California may be facing the worst fate. At least they probably won’t freeze in Southern California.

The bailouts in the long run are just more debt on the individual citizen. The answer for all this is limited government. The federal government should protect the borders, and follow the pre-911 constitution. The state and local governments should make deep cuts in every service and all salaries.

The people should be given more of their wages, and that would help the economy recover. All free trade should be permanently abolished and American sovereignty should be restored.

I guess I Live in a dream world called, "Constitutional Government"-for the people and by the people. I guess the government lives in one called: "Tell the citizen anything but the truth".

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